Equality in PvP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ulfasso, Aug 28, 2014.

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  1. Ulfasso

    Ulfasso Someday Author

    Since when do Legionnaires get put against Marshals and knights?
    Never happened to me before one of the last updates. why? what happened to being matched to players of your level?
  2. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    It goes by actually exp lvl, not pvp title or lvl. I'm a seasoned leg and get placed against knights and flag bearers all the time. No biggie I know I'm gonna get my EDIT handed to me. I just try to rack up as many points as possible to gain lvls. I average around 300-450 per 5v5 match. So hang in there, you'll get higher up in the pvp food chain.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 29, 2014
  3. Ulfasso

    Ulfasso Someday Author

    I'm mostly a tdm player, and even bye xp level (which I know it is), there are A LOT of players who are about my rank, and which do pvp too, why can't they do xp and rank based (they did at a moment) to be fair? Can't do jack against 3 knights, and espacially when you're in a team of 2.
  4. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul

    What's a TDM player?
  5. Ulfasso

    Ulfasso Someday Author

    Team death match. 3v3 if you prefer
    Trailboss1 likes this.
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