Errors Online, FIX IT !!

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Sprokkel, Feb 25, 2024.

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  1. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    Hey, when will the dev team wake up? For every spelling error in game that is fixed, 5 new spelling errors are added, or at least that's what it seems like.
    We experience; retry retry retry retry when we want to get into the game but nothing just happens so sometimes we don't even get into the game.
    Eventually you are online, and I don't remember exactly which errors I experienced, but there are certainly 5 different ones, error 18, 48, 24 and so on, so the player still cannot play his game.
    Also very difficult is that lag that keeps throwing you back for 3 to 4 seconds.
    You offer a game with events with a limited time, but those times are unachievable to successfully complete any event. If we are not even able to play the game due to all the existing bugs, and developers sit back lazily in their chairs without fixing bugs, then there is no game anymore.
    This is simply unplayable.
    Take responsibility and address the errors at their source and eliminate them so that we can play our game again.
    NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to add to the game.
    First remove as many errors as possible.
    And if it becomes too difficult, you need to hire capable people who can do it.
    Thank you for your attention,
    We players are eagerly awaiting a playable DSO.

    Fix it please, goodluck
  2. Venaa

    Venaa Forum Apprentice

    Because I work during the weekdays, I was eagerly looking forward to this weekend and here's what happened.