Essence exchange

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Audriukaas, Jun 25, 2017.

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  1. Audriukaas

    Audriukaas Forum Apprentice

    We farm blue ess and we want to exchange it for higher dmg ess please give us option to exchange essences. Now for explain rates can be like this. Seems fair.
    3000 blue ess = 1000 purple ess
    3000 purple = 1000 red ess
  2. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Nice Idea.
    Hope dev have a check on it and on change rate
  3. Audriukaas

    Audriukaas Forum Apprentice

    Nice idea i like it!
  4. krawler2018

    krawler2018 Junior Expert

    u forgot 9999 green = 1000 blue :cool:
    it sucks u cant get purple or red essences from monsters even 50 of each from time to time counts, or we can get them from leaders or bosses
  5. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    They are for sale @ 1k=1gold.

    I suppose BP wouldn't want to let you get with gold things you should get with andermants.

    I'm not against your proposal but I would be more than satysfied if they just do what the OP said..
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2017
  6. krawler2018

    krawler2018 Junior Expert

    my proposal was more a joke, they wont let u exchange stuff u buy with gold for items u buy with with andermants, it was nice if u could sell the items u bought with anders for half price back, cause i bought some uniques before that i no longer use
  7. Audriukaas

    Audriukaas Forum Apprentice

    i have 1 mil blue ess and what i need to do with this [EDIT] only uses my slots
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