Essence Merchant Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by RockinRanger, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. RockinRanger

    RockinRanger Forum Greenhorn

    After so many hours of farming, I am sure you are faced with the same problem of essences all taking up your inventory space. Well essence crystals are already implemented in the game. I am sure some of us have won some essence crystals from events, and if you right-click on one crystal it turns to 999 essences. Why not then make it an option for us to do the reverse of that? I am talking about crafting these crystals from the essences in our inventory.

    So I am suggesting that the following options for our essence merchant:

    1. View Selection - allows you to purchase the usual items from the essence merchant

    2. Craft Essence Crystals (NEW) - For a certain fee the merchant will convert 999 essences to 1 essence crystal. The fee of course varies on the type of essence.

    Something like this... you just drag-and-drop all your essences into a window and you see the number of essence crystals that you will receive in exchange and the total fee in gold and silver. Then you Click on a button to finalize the deal.

    Having this solution will really save us inventory space.

    What do you guys think? If you agree then please show your support.

    TheInfamous, Zokin, trakilaki and 3 others like this.
  2. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    One of the best suggestion I read here, if not the best. But I don't think that will be BP's intentions, cause making people buy Inventory expansions and Premium( with extra inventory slots) that's one of the reasons. And essence also from some perspective, people have 0 essence at their inventory and buying when they need them from the "T" shop. Still a good suggestion for the users of this Game. Also it is very easy and possible to add such thing in the game.
  3. sper009

    sper009 Padavan

    You got to have a little faith here. It's a great idea :). I remember very recently they made Mortis coins, health elixers, concentration potions, etc. all stack up to 99x+.
  4. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    Hard to have faith, sometimes they do great stuff, ike the one you mentioned, but sometimes they look sadistic, example: was doing Q1 with my DK, a Q that was 1-2 days farm to finish, now is 1 week grinding. :)

    Well, trying...
  5. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    nice suggestion. or they can increase stack to up to 10k ess, which was already suggested. that would be nice
  6. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    I like it, would save a bunch of inventory space.
  7. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Good suggestion. Blue and green ess stack up quickly, especially when you are running map 2.I would love to clear up inventory space, and it will help with the management issue. I hate to leave ess behind and even worse to destroy ess.
    Multi-Sev likes this.
  8. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Great idea. The merchant could either take his fee in silver or essences for each crystal created. Say, 99 blue essences to convert one whole stack of 999 blue to a crystal; in other words, it would cost almost one stack to convert 10 stacks to crystals. This might be more agreeable with BP, since you would actually have to spend something more valuable than coins to convert purples and reds, and that would offset the loss of inventory expansion profit to some degree. Either fee, silver or essence, would be OK with me though.
  9. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Lets hope, if this suggestion is taken on board, that they do not charge andermants.
    Multi-Sev likes this.
  10. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I thought of that possibility, but decided not to mention it just in case it gave them the idea :eek:
    -Faeriequeen22- and Superme like this.
  11. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Damn , now I so regret mentioning it:(. You have a very valid point.
    -Faeriequeen22- likes this.
  12. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    It's alright, I'm pretty sure they would think of this first. After all, selling andermant is how they make money. We can only hope that, if this idea is taken on, they will decide that people won't pay that much to do it and keep the price reasonable. We can hope the above, if the idea is taken seriously (we can hope that too).
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I like this idea.
  14. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Great idea, i like it!
  15. RockinRanger

    RockinRanger Forum Greenhorn

    Guys, thanks for your support!
  16. RockinRanger

    RockinRanger Forum Greenhorn

    To clarify further, the suggested business model options here are:

    1. F2P - "manage" your inventory, by exchanging 999 essences to 1 crystal at the merchant using gold or silver (value-added to the game).

    2. P2P - "increase" your inventory space by purchasing/spending andermants. This option I would say is already a given (there will come a point where you have to spend to increase space anyway, one way or another)

    The purpose of our suggestion is to bring more added value into the game. It's really not much different than the gem-crafting process... you combine gems using gold/silver therefore optimizing space. Since essence crystals are already implemented, why not give the players this option to organize our own inventory through the essence merchant?

    I really hope BP will consider our suggestion (#1 option)
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  17. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Sure, I understand your suggestion but I'm not sure you understand mine. In your suggestion, the added value you propose is only on the player-side! BP will lose money on inventory expansions if they allow this to happen as a silver-only function. The p2p players will not continue to keep 999 essences to an inventory spot. They will, along with f2p players, also condense their essences into crystals, thereby not needing to buy another inventory row that they would have otherwise purchased to store those essences.

    If there's anything I've learned over the past 2+ years of playing this game, if an idea would cost BP money they will not implement it. It only makes good business sense on their part. I don't see an obvious incentive for BP to implement this idea. Most players would be very happy (myself included) to have this available for the price of some silver but that probably won't happen. So, I think we have to meet them in the middle; allow them to make some additional revenue (or at least break even) in order to get an idea considered. In other words, compromise. It makes sense to me from a business perspective.

    If this logic is faulty, I do not see the error in it. I don't want it to cost Andermant, either, trust me. However, I do not think they will do it just for silver; I think it would cost them too much in lost Andermant sales. I made the suggestion of charging a percentage of essence to convert a stack but now that I think about it most of the stacks converted will be blue and those are just about as easy to get as silver in the game, so the idea would probably not be agreeable to them. Something else is going to be needed in order to give this idea "legs". However, if you think they will do it out of the goodness of their hearts, for only silver fees, then I hope that is true. I guess there's always the "power of positive thinking".
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  18. RockinRanger

    RockinRanger Forum Greenhorn

    You have valid points, and I understand and respect that.

    My points are:
    - Combining gems at the merchant using gold/silver already implemented
    - Essences crystals already implemented.

    So I am suggesting to do the same process with essences what they did to gems. BP does not make money when we combine gems, they make money when we buy gems from the market. So following that logic, BP will not make money from exchanging/combining essences but they still make money when we buy more essences or inventory space.

    Maybe BP will take it to consideration, or maybe not. Really up to them. What we can do is to show our support to this idea, OUR idea, and then let them decide.
  19. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Your points have validity as well. Maybe that will be enough to convince BP to do this for silver-only, if it gets noticed and passed on for consideration. It very well may be considered, seeing how much positive "buzz" has been generated in just one day!

    [I just wanted to point out, for anyone who is unaware, you can already store five gems per inventory spot by using a "normal" (white) item (found in a dungeon or wilderness) and adding one slot to it for 10 Andermant. In order to condense/rearrange these gems, you'll have to pay the jeweler's fees but that is usually a small amount of coin. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to do anything like this with essences, except stack the essence crystals you may receive from events, etc. Hopefully, RockinRanger's idea will be implemented, in some form, and this will change. Storing essences can be an inventory-consuming affair right now, no doubt about that.]​
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
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