Event :)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Paradox, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. Paradox

    Paradox Advanced

  2. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    Just a heads-up ppl don't like twinkers here especially not those bragging :p

    On the other hands contrats :)
  3. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    This is a PvE twink(mostly), though. We only get pissed when there's a level 2 that can hit 2000s and is Marshal or something :p
    Well, congrats dude.
  4. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Congrats... I might meet u in Tegan someday :)
  5. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    I would offer congrats as well except for one minor thing. I see that your gapper left the group before you took your screenshot.

    Why do I think you had a gapper? Well, unlike the other forum members here that play most if not all of the time at or near endgame level I create new characters constantly. During the recent Dwarf rally I made over 60 alone just to stock up on black dyes on five accounts. I know exactly what it takes to level up at low level.

    It would be impossible for you to have run this course with just you and your level 2 partner and do all the necessary killing and still be at level 2. So I have to wonder what level your gapper was, how strong was he and if he did all the killing for you.

    Oh and your talent screeny is definitive proof that you do use gappers for both PvE and gaining fame so no reason to deny it.

    Other than that 'snow' job attempt at glory I guess some congrats are in order for getting thru the gauntlets of totem traps.

    Luck be with ye,
  6. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    Thanks for pointing that out. The gapper might be a strong DK, just blocking the totem traps.. :)
  7. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    No one has to take hits from the totems. There are a lot of gaps where nothing hits you. You can just walk past 2 at same time and pause till the next 2 shoot and walk and repeat. Except of course the totems that aim specifically at someone... those need a bit of timing.

    Although, the 'gapper' could have been level 8. I doubt that level difference would make the totems hit so high as to 1 shot a strong twink.
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