Announcement Events coming in May – UPDATED

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Apr 25, 2016.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear heroes of Dracania,

    May is around the corner and we have a plethora of events for all of you. Mark those dates in the calendar and get ready to rumble!

    this is for informative purposes and may be updated at some point.

    If something changes regarding dates or we update it with further information, we will let you know. ;)


    Servers: Heredur, Werian, Grimmag & Balor

    Start: 6th May 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 8th May 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Agathon
    Start: 6th May 06:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 8th May 06:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Tegan
    Start: 6th May 09:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 8th May 09:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)


    Oh, yeah, the gates of the Circus Monstrorum will be open once again…, enabling you to battle the top bosses of Drakensang Online. We will keep the same mechanics as the previous event but we will bring brand new rewards (new pet and new emote) and also we will make the Jewel of Rage craftable to a second tier!

    Stay tuned for the updated guide on the forums!

    Servers: Heredur, Werian, Grimmag & Balor

    Start: 13th May 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 17th May 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Agathon
    Start: 13th May 06:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 17th May 06:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Tegan
    Start: 13th May 09:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 17th May 09:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)


    Servers: Heredur, Werian, Grimmag & Balor

    Start: 21st May 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 23th May 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Agathon
    Start: 21st May 06:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 23th May 06:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Tegan
    Start: 21st May 09:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)
    End: 23th May 09:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)

    *UPDATE 10.05* – The team has decided not to run Desert of Essences during the month of May.

    See you there, heroes!​

    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team

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