Discussion in 'General Forum' started by FONZI1994, Aug 6, 2024.

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  1. FONZI1994

    FONZI1994 Forum Greenhorn

    Sorry, but how can you believe it's possible that the ranger's main attack can consume 10 essences per hit?! It's absurd, I see 50k slots finish in a few boss rounds, in bgh at times I spent more andermands in essences than in elixirs.
    I beg the developers to do something about it because we really can't take it anymore
  2. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    It sounds like you are using the Explosive Arrow as your main skill. Try using Precise Shot or Hunting Arrow instead.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Advanced

    I use Precise Shot myself., but either way it still sounds like you're using way more essence than I do & generally I just use the base essence (gold-bought). I'll use green/blue I have saved up or other randoms, but I refuse to waste Andermant on essense with no substantial return from it.

    IF there happens to be an event where I had a real chance to earn a good reward then I'd consider it, but it's not BGH for me. I finished the first bar & stopped because it's ungodly boooooring just going back & forth repeatedly & the points dropped per kill feels ridiculously low.