Announcement EXP event this weekend!

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by CM Haruki, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. CM Haruki

    CM Haruki Community Team Team Drakensang Online


    Dear heroes of Dracania,

    As part of our Spring celebrations, this weekend we are activating a special EXP booster for all of you!

    Starting this Friday and until Monday you will enjoy an extra 50% EXP boost per monster you slay – this EXP boost will be applied to your basic EXP gain. If you are using any other buffs those will count on top. So get those weapons going!

    Servers: Heredur, Werian, Grimmag & Balor
    Start:25th March 12:00 noon CET (UTC+1)
    End:28th March 12:00 noon CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Agathon
    Start:25th March 06:00 pm CET (UTC+1)
    End:28th March 06:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)

    Server: Tegan
    Start:25th March 09:00 pm CET (UTC+1)
    End:28th March 09:00 pm CEST (UTC+2)

    Kind regards,
    your Drakensang Online team
    ekant1992 and LudiGrozd like this.
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