Suggestion Exp in pvp

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DracoMeteor2000, May 28, 2017.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I can disagree with it as so...
    ...Translates to "leached off of a strong player to begin with and then just needed a strong player in group so that I don't get XP." Some twinks run around with LVL 40+ gear and fight LVL 20-25 monsters with an XP block just sitting on the map doing nothing. Does that sound like the definition of "worked hard"?
    I do blame him for not leveling up and fighting people who actually know what they are doing at end game. And I don't blame the new players who are just joining the game and are trying to learn (getting pummeled in PvP by someone who has been playing the game for over 4 years and has spent 3 of those years cultivating a LVL 19 toon with absurd stats does not help the learning process).
    This I do agree with and it is really simple... force twinks to level up by taking away all the advantages of staying low so that they are forced to fight people with similar investment in their characters at end game.

    ... and I could go on and on. As I often say in real life, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should." These twinks are a cancer in the game and are ruining it for newer players. New players are what keep a game alive over the years and if twinks scare off players who have an interest in PvP because they think that that aspect of the game is too unbalanced, then those twinks are slowly killing the game. The noobs in charge of developing the game are just too short sighted/greedy to see this and perpetuate the single biggest problem with all of Drakensang.
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

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