experience xp ! help !

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by amounabik0, Jul 16, 2014.

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  1. amounabik0

    amounabik0 Active Author

    hi ! im 42 lvl mage ! and i do all quests of my lvl ! did you know how to xp without quests because i complete all my quests and no more quests i have now ! what is best solution to get fastest xp ! and much exp ! in what place i should farm mobs to get more experience ! help me and cite all your solutions and your ideas plz ! thxx !
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Gorga, normal, lots and lots of times. At least, that was the best way back when I was lvl 42-44. There may be a better way, now. Someone else may post it.
  3. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    Group with some 45's and run PW's. XP adds up fast that way plus you can get a ton of melt for glyphs or sell for gold. Gorga takes forever anymore and melting/selling drops from it to amass glyphs or gold is tedious.
  4. amounabik0

    amounabik0 Active Author

    gorga in my lvl give bad xp just 2500-3000 and it was 5k when 40 so its so useless gorga in my lvl now =)


    i need another nice boss plz cite me some bosses of 42-45 lvl that give not bad xp =)
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 16, 2014
  5. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    If you can't stand gorga, parallel worlds are probably the best way.
  6. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi amounabik0,

    Do all these suggestions alone to get max xp, if you are strong enough...if you aren't strong enough, then create a group...but invite only players lower than your lvl, this way you will get the most xp in the group.

    Andrakasch - Gleaming Mountains
    Full/New Moon - daytime
    Parallel world - Grimmagstone
    goe-spec likes this.
  7. amounabik0

    amounabik0 Active Author

    another sugestions plz =)
  8. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Sorry...for your lvl, those are the places that gives the most xp.
    There are no main bosses for you to kill.

    You just gonna have to kill normal mobs then and be patience.
    goe-spec, Multi-Sev and xEthnic like this.
  9. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Even though Gorga only gives around 3k exp, it is still one of the fastest ways to level up considering you can kill it within 20 seconds with a good group. I doubt there are many good groups for gorga left, since a lot of people are already level 45. So, you're just gonna have to do PWs and event maps like the above posters suggested.

    In the meanwhile, you should try to "kill 2 birds with one stone". Or more birds... whatever you please.
    But the point stands. There are probably a lot of other things that you should do, not just leveling. Maybe cloak quests? or PW quests?
    If you're on the 100g cloak, run Suvius, Atlantis, and Temple for the frags. While doing the latter 2 maps, you have a chance to get the new-ish uniques. (at least the weapon is half decent for a starter weapon... before you start looking for a level 43 or 45 one)
    If on the 1000g, run map1 and unlock map2 if you haven't already, and run map2. You will get lots of extraordinary items, cots and ander, mortis coins, blue essence.
    Multi-Sev likes this.
  10. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    Good advice, +1

    To the OP: You'll be especially happy you started looking for those cloak parts while doing other things. Some of them can take months to gather enough parts.
  11. amounabik0

    amounabik0 Active Author

    fastest way i love =)


    what PWS plz dont understand that things im a beginer dont forget =)
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 17, 2014
  12. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    PWs = Parallel Worlds (Grimmagstone, Hagastove Grotto, etc - on parallel difficulty)
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