Extended crafting advice/pro tips needed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Cronyism, Jan 31, 2018.

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  1. Cronyism

    Cronyism Forum Greenhorn


    I am new to this game, so for some of you this may seem like novice knowledge, and not as headline states "extended" advice.

    I am currently learning the art of crafting, as I have been 55 for some time now, and it seems that crafting items is a solid and entertaining way of obtaining good gear in order to progress into higher difficulty areas.
    - I have read through the wiki "Crafting - Extension" guide and the "Crafting 2.0" guide, and been going through all the crafting-posts I could find on the forum. But there are a few questions that come to mind, which I cant seem to find a logic answer for; so I will post them here.

    1) What is the difference between Solid Core and Draken Core? Looking them up on wiki, they 'do the same' - but cant be used as the same. I have gained a bunch of Draken Cores through events, But Solid Cores is only from Parallel World?

    2) I'm beginning to understand the whole upgrading items with "golden" Enchantment values, but I still find it hard to understand which items I should save and try to upgrade, and which ones I should sell/dust. Example: my inventory is full of green, blue, purple items; how do I valuate which ones I sell/dust/craft ?
    If you guys would elaborate on your way of doing this, it would be very appreciated.

    3) What do I do with multiple of the same unique set items?
    I have been farming a lot of Dragan during the event, and now i have 4 pair of his gloves, 9 pair of his boots and 2 rings. While leveling up, I would just equip the better, dust the other, and continue questing. Now that I'm 55 I feel like I should do the most "efficient" thing with my spare items, especially the uniques.

    4) Any good guides out there I might have missed?
    If you can recommend anything good to read/watch/listen to, about learning the art of crafting in Drakensang, please feel free to guide me towards it. I've only been searching and reading for about a day, so I am sure there's good information available, that I have missed.

    5) If you have any good tips/advice on crafting, please do write them here as I will gladly go through them and ask follow-up questions if needed.

    I hope you are all having a good day and enjoying the game

  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    1. There are no differences ... the difference is the place you get them and items you can use them on. There are different types of elemental core, solid and draken core with a single purpose - to slow your progress down.

    2. You would like to keep the items with better (higher value) enchantments and trash the rest. You would need several of these that you would use to craft items of higher rarity.
    How do you select and decide what enchantments are high enough to keep - all enchantments are having maximum possible value on particular level. Devs are not sharing them with us since long time ago ... so you can see them here (values determined on base of player's "research" :D )

    3. Keep the unique items with higher base values and melt the rest. When it comes to cloaks you would like to keep one with higher base stats and another one with higher enchantments so you can merge them together later on.
    Base stats also have maximum values dependent on level and tier.
    Eridiani likes this.
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