Bug Facebook Login Problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by snn15, Dec 9, 2015.

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  1. snn15

    snn15 Forum Greenhorn

    OK.When I download the client (19.9mb) I login via mine facebook account.It work complete fine.But after my brother play the game with his facebook account (diffrent with mine) I try to play that game again with my facebook account but it can't.It keep login to my brother facebook account and direct to the my brother charater select.I try deleted all cookies,history,everthings but seems nothing work.I even try login through broswer and it work fine.I already try log out in the game but nothing work.Can any1 help me?
  2. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    It may be the autofill feature is bringing up just the latest entry. Try typing over it to select your info only. The other can be deleted using some options.
    Or, I don't know.
  3. Queenclover

    Queenclover Forum Greenhorn

    Hi snn15 i was having the same problem. did u manage to find a fix? please do share thank you
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    It seems that your brother may still be logged into the client with FB. The question is how to log your bro out of FB when he logs out.

    Try going to the DSO Client folder and searching for Facebook. There is an item entitled "https_www.facebook.com_0.localstorage"
    Try deleting this and seeing if that deletes any stored information about FB.
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