FaıryTaıl Guild presentation

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by Pauss, Apr 4, 2018.

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  1. Grimlocke

    Grimlocke Forum Greenhorn

    Hello. SM here, started yesterday, new player to DSO :) but otherwise experienced and very active.

    Nick: Xenasm

  2. Pauss

    Pauss Forum Apprentice

    Hi grimloke, contact queen77 or some other officer in game to inv you.
  3. Ayun_Woh

    Ayun_Woh Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, Lvl 49 DK here on Tegan, I would like to know what server is your guild? thanks
  4. Pauss

    Pauss Forum Apprentice

    As it is written on the presentation, the server is heredur.

    Have a nice day ☺
  5. deatSTORM

    deatSTORM Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, I would like to join you guild! I am a DK level 30, pretty new on the game, my name in the game is Finnadventurer.
    I would really appreciate if you accept me in your guild, I want tto learn many from you. Have a great day!
  6. Pauss

    Pauss Forum Apprentice

    Hi deatstorm as i said to grimloke, contact queen77 or some other officer in game to inv you because I can't play for some weeks.