
Discussion in 'General Forum' started by mirci111, Dec 26, 2023.

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  1. mirci111

    mirci111 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, i started playing after 2 years, and im falling behind is here somebody who would help me farm, either on event or normal Dungeons.
    Grimmag server, Dwarf lvl 61
  2. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hi there, welcome back to the game :) It might be worth a shot, but you can consider messaging and requesting random players and groups that you come across in your server - not everyone is always receptive, but eventually you may run into someone who is willing to help ^^
  3. deathlokwe2

    deathlokwe2 Forum Greenhorn

    sorry for my english, I would have helped you without problems, but I'm on Heredur