Suggestion Feature for the Collector's bag

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -HARRA81-, Mar 25, 2017.

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Do you agree with my suggestion?

  1. It should be released

    3 vote(s)
  2. It should not be released

    2 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but with some changes

    2 vote(s)
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  1. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    My girlfriend's idea is: When you click in the Mount , Pet , Costume and Emote , you can have a window that shows what of those itens you already have.
    I have made one example with mounts, sorry for bad example, I'm not good at all with images edition xD, anyway when I click the mount, it open me in the side all the mounds I have. It'll make easier for me to choose the mount I have.

    The categories are very nice, but for choosing a mount, for example, I would rather to have all of them side by side, so I could see all my options and not forgetting what I have or having to click category by category to see everyhing, because when I arrive in the last one, I know I'll have forgotten the first already.
    Now you can say: '' But you can favorite mounts and see it in first page '', yes but it's limited, what I want is an option where I can see all my mounts together.

  2. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @-HARRA81- ,

    Thank-you for your suggestion.
    Well, it could be a next step for our Collector's Bag, but we must be pleased, for now, with its introduction :p
    Anyhow, let's wait for some votes and comments - I add a poll to make it easier for all.

    Cheers ;)
  3. Teleportist

    Teleportist Advanced

    Great idea. It would also be useful to drag and drop, to customise the sort order in favorites tab (and eventually these screens).
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