Feedback Feedback New SkillSystem (R155)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. bendover

    bendover Junior Expert

    And why pretend to improve something if all you're doing is trying to achieve the same overall DPS as before?
    Plus, the nerfed deadly blow is much weaker than the old one, because you don't see any speed increase most of the time from only 3x5% speed, because it doesn't reach the next breakpoint. Plus with the crit nerf, deadly blow is a joke now.
    At least with hunting arrow you can hit 2 monsters at the same time, that's 2x66% poison damage and faster speed, I think it's much better. AND it's also ranged, so you can spam green arrows from 10 meters away without getting hit
  2. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    Nerfing the Explosive Shot...Okay I get it. But I don't understand why the developers are also nerfing Deadly Blow, a skill that was previously fine.
    Is deadly blow OP in PVP? No, do rangers even use this in PVP anymore since its range has been nerfed by half?
    Is deadly blow OP in PVE? No, because PVE usually deals with big mobs while deadly blow at best can only hit 1 mob. It is the rangers second best skill at bossing, however, due to the lack of any other skills with decent output and concentration-free.
    Now, its gone. Bye bye deadly blow.

    Btw, why is ranger getting all the attention? As soon as ranger gets a little love from the developers everything is then quickly nerfed.

    Look at Spellweavers, almost every change made on SW has been improvements (some are really OP IMHO) and no one said a thing.

    Just look at the SW I made in the Test Server. Completely F2P (can't P2P even if I wanted too lol).
    Lv38, almost everything is farmed. Yet I can solo Grammagstone Parallel with ease. In fact, even easier than my P2P ranger on live server lol.
    The reason?
    New SW 2H staff is OP and the new SW destruction is OP.
    Developers If you are nerfing ranger's PVE ability why don't you also do something about Spellweavers? It's only fair! (with a hint of sarcasm)

    Look at the video, above: Destruction with blues 1HKO everything... Even without blues I can also 1HKO 90% of the time... Also after clearing a large mob with destruction its cooldown almost complete resets thanks to the new talent.
    If this isn't OP I don't know what is. Deadly Blow cannot even compare to this level.

    If a F2P SW can already do this much, imagine what a P2P SW can do...
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You all seem to forget that weapon's base damage has been increased by more than a double.
  4. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    Can you be more specific, all weapons of all classes?
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend


    BTW ... in the previous post .. you forgot to mention that the singularity now can eliminate the cooldowns of all active skills.
    Eg. Meteor - cooldown 1 min.
    If I cast the meteor and after that cast singularity ... and stand inside the singularity ... by the time the singularity ends I can cast another meteor. That is 1 minute cooldown brought to few seconds.
  6. sdknightno1

    sdknightno1 Advanced

    Okay...this is news to me.

    But were they all buffed up equally? Ie. stupid long bows gets a 50% increase while SW 2h staff gets 150%?


    @bendover This is highly dependable on your bow used, if you have a bow with decent attack speed, your 15% buff should be multiplied by that, so it's going to be somewhat more than 15%. For most rangers this should be enough to reach the next breakpoint.

    And yes, I'm pretty sure that was the reasoning behind all this @sdknightno1 .
    And I totally agree on your statement regarding the essence efficiency. And since OP 2h DKs exist and almost no1 keeps playing 1h DK in Pve, Rangers struggle with the biggest essence consumption, by far.

    The main problem I see is the big gap this class has always been struggling with. Ranges have always been a PvP class, they are quite strong in PvP (the reason why most of the players refer to them as being OP) whereas in PvE they fall behind all other classes.

    tl;dr: 80% damage for the only reliable and one of the most important skill of a class is a no-go
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    Saabia, Minota, Yogo and 1 other person like this.
  8. Greekhell

    Greekhell Advanced

    I can't recall any announcement that that increase to all classes I know it is you, but are you sure?
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend


    Here are the screens with the new stats on the left and the old stats on the right ... some names has been changed ... but look for the level and the type of the weapon ... they are the same.
    Compare the new and old stats (I deleted my DK on TS so I don't have the stats for DKs ... but they are the same like for the other casses)

    SW new/old stats

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Ranger new/old stats

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    SM new/old stats

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Yogo likes this.
  10. Greekhell

    Greekhell Advanced

    Thanks man I appreciate and I guess that goes all the way right?
    Yogo likes this.
  11. Silentmist

    Silentmist Junior Expert

    Luckily they didn't double the damage for all the DK weapons, only hammers and clubs. Swords and axes damage has been slightly increased, +25% for axes and +15% for swords. Swords seem balanced with 1.18 attack speed, but axes have something like 4 more lines of crit rate compared to the weapon of another class, that's insane. A white axe will be better than a full crit rate legend standard weapon :).
  12. Yash786

    Yash786 Forum Apprentice

    Rangers will be happy with this release ABSOLUTELY. Rangers are most nerfed class before this release... it takes too much time to even get decent dmg and atk spd. i have a ranger and its VERY VERY HARD to solo q3 onwards while for other classes it is a bit easy compared to rangers. YES i AGREE they changed rangers skill a bit more than other classes but it just to make it equal to other classes it is not that ranger will OP now.

    In some previous post when someone asks CM HARUKI what classes did devs play she replied.... devs play all classes and after that "some of them even play rangers" :( . If only few devs even play ranger how can we even aspect some improvement before. We finally have this golden release... PLEASE don't ruin it for us... Whine all about skills you to get buffed for your other classes SW, DK, SM and please PLEASE leave rangers out of it. :)
    Saabia and Irrational like this.
  13. Irrational

    Irrational Forum Greenhorn

    Guys i've been playing on test server extensively few day now. I didn't got a stable character but i was excited to check new skills of ranger as i have ranger as a main char. on live server. Was very happy until yesterday. Why have you nerfed the deadly blow its second most powerful of ours skill until now.
    1. if you have problem or think that you have made DB skill too OP (Which is not the case) just give us our old deadly back no spd buff required.
    2. do something about explosive arrow....
    a> either reduce its concentration requirement OR
    b> increase the time of armor break to 5 seconds minimum (increase atleast in pve) OR
    c> increase concentration regeneration speed.
    After using explosive arrow we are literally left with nothing. And its frustrating by the moment.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
    Yash786, Saabia and bendover like this.
  14. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    PLEASE increase usable points in the skill system specially for the experience tree. Fame tree and knowledge tree devs will realize soon that they need to increase points, but the players are getting hurt by the lack of points in experience tree more than any other tree as SO many new subskills added which are useless just because we have to distribute points only on the most essential of essential sub skills. Adding 4-5 extra points on reaching ever 5th level will take care of this issue. Please!!
  15. Xaaros

    Xaaros Forum Greenhorn

    What i find very extreme is the nerf to DKs 2 hand dmg. Since the 40% dmg talent is gone its 40 %. But before you say you can now skill the + 50% dmg and - 10% attack speed talent that dosent change anything cause EVERYONE can skill it but not everyone loses 40% dmg. So compared to mage and engi he loses 40% dmg and to ranger who loses the 25% talent he still loses more. 40 % is way to much in my eyes.
  16. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    No. I play a DK (ok, a 1H dk, but I have been trying to get a good 2H), but the changes needed to be made. 2H DKs with the 40% bonus and warlord set/witch sets/red ess sets were too destabilizing in pve and pvp. There are currently way too many 2H DKs with 700+ dps 2H swords running around doing things like soloing mortis on purple or even blue essences.
  17. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    I see a balancing problem emerging.

    The conflict melee vs ranged in pvp can only be solved smart by melee classes being able to take way more hits than ranged classes. I am sure BP realized that.

    The problem will now be the new percentage damage bonuses. In a few months we will see two handed mages and rangers with 3k+ base damage that kill players with two shots consistently.
    Not that I really care, but eventually BP will have to rebalance PVP so new players and especially not paying melee players will have a chance to at least hit back before they die. It does not already show on the test servers, since players have not fully adopted their equipment to this new options.

    In the end, percentage bonuses like with 2h DKs now just make players skip from underpowered to overpowered depending on the weapon. Multiplied factors create always more polarized results, simple math.
    This will haunt DSO for some time, since they chose to allow high multiplying bonuses.

    Still this release is a step in the right direction.
  18. Xaaros

    Xaaros Forum Greenhorn

    Wouldnt a 2h mage now run around doing the same as a dk just without the risk that emerges from close range?
  19. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    Nope, it will be much worse in R155.

    The base damage on SW and SM two handed weapons have been buffed heavily. Also the gear damage enchantments for these classes are higher.

    So let us assume 350 max weapon base damage
    +100 dmg from gems
    +130 dmg from two enchantments (That is just a lower average number for lvl 50+)
    + 100% dmg from two enchantments
    +50% weapon dmg from Skill
    +30% weapon damage from Dragan set
    = 1624 max weapon damage
    +150 base damage on character
    +300 dmg from gear enchantments (Which could be a lot worse with the right gear on 50+)
    = 2074 max dmg
    +50% dmg from skills
    +5% dmg from death rings
    = 3214 max dmg in total with a lot of space to grow.

    Now take into account fireball or shrapnel and you got a good idea where 5v5, 6v6 and 3v3 is heading. Also take into account that someone could find a really outstanding 2h weapon and SW can simply buy the +100% lightning dmg staff.

    I personally really like this over the top aspect of R155, but many sure as hell wont.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Oh, you mean like this set of stats I saw?
    krishh21 likes this.
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