Feedback Feedback New SkillSystem (R155)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    Close, but this guy obviously plays for years (Dragon Shackles, Res, HP). The stats I posted dont need much time. Also Mr. Witch Chaser here cant shoot, unless I missed some R155 info^^
    Ironically two handed Dks will soon vanish from PVP, because even this 11k HP DK here with average res and armor can only take 3 hits in R155. I pity those who invested in HP gems.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
    crazyelli likes this.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It is not that hard to see that is an TS character ... just note the new way of displaying the stats.
    So it is not a player who is playing every day ... for years. :)
  3. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    Of course, but we are talking about the impact on live servers.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Well about that none of us can say for real ... we will have to wait until R155 goes live.
  5. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Oh wow. This video is really impressive. My DK has played for over 6 months now but cannot do anything remotely close to this.
    I can may be kill 2 normal monsters in PWs before getting killed and that is with blue essences and spending about 2 minutes hitting them non-stop.
  6. krishh21

    krishh21 Forum Apprentice

    Which Dk has like those stats :D
    It is exceptionally damn good stats
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The hunting traps has been nerfed ... I don't like it at all. They were very useful PVE and PVP skill. Adding stun to hunting traps is OP in PVP and lame in PVE. They are now lying on the ground less time and the most important thing they are consuming essences! Even the effect and the animation is not like it used to be ... it is worse now.
  8. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    The Passive Rage generation or generating rage when hit by a monster has been greatly nerfed. DK's are finding it extremely hard to execute consecutive smash skills even. We are a melee class, we can't wait for our special attack gauage to fill, we need it filling fast.
    The level of nerfing is so much that I can't exceute consecutive 7 smashes in a lvl45 mob whereas in old system I could smash them whole day long without stopping.
    Even it it isn't geared that much, please increase passive rage generation.
  9. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Too bad the Final Nova Skill in PvE didn't survive the release. So glad nothing would be lost. :mad:
    You want to go back and trash the Cyanite Shield as well?
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  10. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Yeah, thats why i went with the bleeding in my basic attack (the wide swing basic attack, not the short strike, forget the name). Effectively 200% and builds rage (although it looks like 3 x 25% bleeding, not 4 x 25%,for a total of 175%, but that mightbebecause the first bleed occurs at the same time as the first hit).. i pretty much am only using smash with banner of war. Dragons fury is off my skill bar now.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You all want to know what is funny? There are no new complaints... just new people complaining.

    I hope the developers read all these threads and see that the people who spent tons of time on test server to give them their requested feedback weren't just a bunch of overzealous nuts. Instead, we were very representative of the community.

    You hear that BP?!? We don't like what you've done... and if you'd listened to what we told you while it was on test server, you wouldn't have to put up with this now. We claimed 99% of players are pissed or would be pissed... And how about that?!?!? We were RIGHT!
  12. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    jayr3d likes this.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Funny situation ... isn't it. :D

    We reported almost everything on TS admins, through support, on forums, via mainstream media, we even contacted SETI ... and NASA even put our early bug reports on those golden plates released out there in the space ... in hope that some extraterrestrial devs would find them ... and yet again they don't listen ... they release the same bugs on live servers.

    And there is even thread called "R155 bugs" ... and you can see all those bugs made into live servers.
  14. Vazful

    Vazful Junior Expert

    Fix Charge (DK skill). The second update it supposed to stun but it doesnt.
  15. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    It stuns, but only at the end of the charge. Pre-155 it stunned throughout the charge, making it pretty useful as a crowd control skill is you lined up correctly.

    Now its kind of less useful and you have to decide what to target rather than just stunning through the mob. If the boss is in the middle you can get stuck in the mob.
  16. Zamvel7

    Zamvel7 Active Author

    =S a lot of people are talking about moving to another game, bp really needs to do something before this boat sinks into the water.

    this could be the beginning of the end for dso
    crazyelli likes this.
  17. -Elizejs-

    -Elizejs- Junior Expert

    You hear that BP?!? We don't like what you've done... and if you'd listened to what we told you while it was on test server, you wouldn't have to put up with this now. We claimed 99% of players are pissed or would be pissed... And how about that?!?!? We were RIGHT!
    I and my friends are 100% agree with you!!! AND FAME TREE IS DESTROED(before was farm+arena= stronger) no every noob can be strong not to play arena- yes arena now is jussles and game go borring till its die:( so sad- was good game...but with wisdom skills was inaf why you destroed balance in game...why to kill so good game:(
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
  18. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Most of you that i've interacted with on this forum know I am a generally postitve person, and I wait for information and results before I make judgement. I try to get others to do the same. So, instead of making snap judgement on what was happening to me while leveling: taking uncontrolled damage from mobs, dying without understanding why, and not being able to play as desired, I instead was patient-leveled to 50, got all the new skills avail, played with my balance of skill points and kept trying. Result: still dying pointlessly. So modified play style, worked around the bugs I could with gear, gem and stat changes and tried again. Result: still dying pointlessly. OK lets try the old maps, HOD-wth, grotto and cave-you kidding me? I can't even do what I used to do and I'm 5 levels higher. Now I'm pissed!

    I can play duck duck goose, come chase me to stay alive, but thats not what or how I want to play. I am level 50, got new toys and skills, but can't do what I used to do as a 45.

    It's time to make a choice Dev's:
    1. Continue to alleinate and chase away your faithful clientel that does not like your definition of "balance." That definition includes mobs that die in 1 or 2 hits, and kill you in the same. The faithful that has been patient all along with endless bugs, being ignored, and seemingly mindless priorites will find alternatives that are more in line with their needs.

    2. Or, make changes quickly. You say you are listneing, but from the twitch session answers, no, no you are not. You don't even understand what the problem is with defense. Listening and fixing bugs is not the same as action to modify your choices on game mechanics. If you go this route you will of course continue to draw new players. But if your well geared experienced 45's are not enjoying what you have done, how will a new toon in extraordinary gear and simple gems like what they are experiencing? Think they'll buy a bunch of gems to make the game playable? It's a dangerous gamble.

    So, from a patient, adaptable, exprienced DSO veteran--please please realize your mistakes and fix it fast.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
    Darwarren, crazyelli, MANOJ and 5 others like this.
  19. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular

    imagine the SWs and the DKs frustration and the people who paid to "Enjoy" this game in a different experience would love a refund for all this mess up lol but knowing dso devs/bigpoint id probably have to pay to quit LOL
    crazyelli likes this.
  20. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    You are one of the more patient members on this forum, no doubt about that.

    When this "improvement" was still in the testing phase, many including myself were complaining and despite our feedback and suggestions we were told to "take a breath, it will be okay".

    Now with the "improvement" DSO has one of the strongest players struggling staying alive. What does that tell you about those of us who pale in comparison to his mighty toon?

    Currently I am forced to use blue ess and still die on maps that I used to breeze through using either green or no ess on. All this while telling me it is an "improvement".

    At some point coming in Sept. we are told a "fix" will happen based on our feedback. I struggle believing this since so much of the testing feedback was blatantly ignored.

    Many in the game are also wondering what the "new" update to the parallel worlds will bring us. A lot of us are wondering if DSO will simply nerf HOD to force us to use some other maps.

    Part of me would love to ask the CM about this, but quite honestly I am not sure that I would believe any answer I might be given. After all, when 155 was originally discussed we were told that it would be built upon what we had and we all know how that worked out.

    We were told that there wasn't a majority who were unhappy with this "improvement".

    I wonder if anyone at DSO would still like to make that claim?
    crazyelli, BigPapa and jayr3d like this.
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