Event FAQ Festiwal Zimowego Przesilenia - Oficjalny Przewodnik

Discussion in 'Sekcja Polska' started by VenusIT, Dec 1, 2020.

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  1. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Winter Solstice Festival
    ~Event Guide~


    Quick Overview

    Required level:20-100
    Duration:4th of December 12:00 CEST –
    31st of December 23:59 CEST

    Event Summary:
    Big Paws stole Queen Antonia’s delicious tea cookies and is now hoarding the tasty treats in his cave on the Winter Summit.

    Evil Christmas!
    Head to Queen Antonia and Phestos, the ambassador of festivities, in Kingshill to start your Christmas journey!
    Collect Sugar Beets from worthy opponents and Snow Essences from snowmen that can be found in every wilderness
    Enter the Winter Summit and collect Honey Cookies to earn valuable rewards


    Event Progress Bars:


    Winter Summit:
    Ascend the Winter Summit and battle Big Paw to stop his heist!
    This is the main event map, as well as the road to Big Paws’ monstrous cave! When you first enter the map, you will meet Solstice Jullov and Moosov’s Little Brother, who will provide you with the “A Solstice Tale 1/3” and “Of Moose and Men! 1/2” quests. The monsters in the map drop Honey Cookies, which is the progress item for the event, as well as Big Paws, who also provides you with various of great unique equipment items and rewards. Keep an eye on the colorful presents that will be dropping from the monsters, which you should always collect for the further tasks that Jullov and Phestos will provide you with, also needed for the repeatable quests from Phestos, which is one of the ways of farming Phestos Coins allowing you to open the Festive Winter Solstice Present.


    Honey Cookies dropped per run on each difficulty:

    DifficultyNormalPainfulExcruciatingFatalInfernal MercilessBloodshed
    Amount of Honey Cookies100125150175300400550

    Important locations on the map (Amphorae, event challenge entry door and boss spawn point):


    The Festive Winter Solstice Present
    The present requires 1 500x Phestos Coints to be opened and its secrets to be revealed. The Phestos Coins can be collected either through finishing the repeatable quest for delivering colorful presents to Phestos in Kingshill, or as a drop from Kranparus, when any of the event challenges is active.


    Contain of The Big Present:


    (as well as 2 500x Drakens that get auto-picked up into your inventory ; the type of gems and equipment items might be different, but the gem tier and item level of the equipment items remains the same)

    Event Offers

    • Phestos Offers:

    Sugar Beet
    (in the following order: 1x , 5x , 10x)
    Requires 10x of them to enter the Winter Summit event map[​IMG]20 , [​IMG]99, [​IMG]199
    Snow Essence
    (in the following order: 100x , 500x , 999x)
    • 100% increased damage to monsters
    • No effect on players
    • Widespread icy cold
    (used for dealing damage to Big Paws)
    [​IMG]75 , [​IMG]379 , [​IMG]749

    • Shop Offers:

    Sugar Beet
    (in the following order: 1x , 5x , 10x)
    Requires 10x of them to enter the Winter Summit event map[​IMG]20 , [​IMG]99, [​IMG]199
    Snow Essence
    (in the following order: 100x , 500x , 999x)
    • 100% increased damage to monsters
    • No effect on players
    • Widespread icy cold
    (used for dealing damage to Big Paws)
    [​IMG]75 , [​IMG]379 , [​IMG]749

    The following offers appear when any of the Kranparus’ Terror challenges is active:
    Phestos’ Hot Chocolate
    (in the following order: 1x , 5x , 10x)
    Increases the time by 50% that you can survive in Frozen Hatred[​IMG]299 , [​IMG]1 424 , [​IMG]2 699
    Solstice Log
    (in the following order: 1x , 5x , 10x)
    Used to ignite the fire cages in Kranparus’ Lair to protect you from Frozen Hatred[​IMG]199 , [​IMG]949 , [​IMG]1 799
  2. VenusIT

    VenusIT Commander of the Forum

    Winter Solstice – Kranparus’ Terror


    Quick Overview

    Required level:20-100
    Duration:Kranparus’ Terror 1/3 challenge: 11. 12. 12:00 - 13. 12. 23:59

    Kranparus’ Terror 2/3 challenge:
    18. 12. 12:00 - 21. 12. 23:59

    Kranparus’ Terror 3/3 challenge: 25. 12. 12:00 - 29. 12. 23:59

    Event Summary:

    The fearsome Kranparus has awoke and has abducted the children of Dracania!
    Winter terror!

    Follow the children’s tracks to the Winter Summit to find Kranparus’ lair! Use the Solstice Logs from root creatures to ignite the protective fire cages on the way there! Defeat Kranparus to rescue the abducted children from the brutality of his henchmen on the way back and receive The Joy of Winter Solstice Festival as a reward! But hurry: you’ll have to contend with Kranparus’ minions and a ticking clock!
    Challenges progress bars:

    Kranparus’ Terror 1/3 Kranparus’ Terror 2/3 Kranparus’ Terror 3/3
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Kranparus’ Lair:
    Face Kranparus in his lair and free the abducted children!
    Each one of the three Kranparus’ Terror challenges provides with a different version of the map, therefore Kranparus’ Terror 1/3 being the shortest and for Kranparus’ Terror 3/3 being the longest and most complex with more evil monsters. Follow the foggy path and defeat Kranparus, who provides you with great icy unique gear and other rewards, such as a great amount of Phestos Coins. When proceeding with the map and the monsters that await you, beware that by stepping on the stone curved roadway, the Frozen Hatred debuff will appear and you have 20 seconds before it kills you, you need to either go to some part of the map that does not reach the thick fog or use Solstice Log to ignite one of the Fire Cages to protect you from the Frozen Hatred or drink a cup of Phestos’ Hot Chocolate to increase the time you can go through the bewildering fog.

    After defeating Kranparus and going back through the barrier, you have 240 seconds before the children disappear. You need to interact with the Icy Cages to free the children and receive The Joy of the Winter Solstice Festival.


    Amount of The Joy of Winter Solstice Festival Dropper per run:

    Amount of The Joy of Winter Solstice Festival per Icy Cage571012152030
    Amount of The Joy of Winter Solstice Festival possible for the whole run203555284977407011048841326010516580140220120210330

    (X/3 means the number of Kranparus’ Terror challenge)

    Kranparus coin drop chances:

    1/3 challenge

    • normal 1x 80% chance
    • painful 1x 90% chance
    • excruciating and higher 1x 100% chance
    2/3 challenge

    • normal 2x 80% chance
    • painful 2x 90% chance
    • excruciating and higher 2x 100% chance
    3/3 challenge

    • normal 3x 80% chance
    • painful 3x 90% chance
    • excruciating and higher 3x 100% chance
    Important locations on the map (Amphorae and boss spawn point on each challenge):


    (The Fire Cages locations are marked when you enter the map and the Icy Cages – when you cross the barrier after defeating Kranparus)

    Special event items and unique items

    Big Paws’ Frosty Greed set:


    Set bonuses:




    Steam Mechanicus

    Winter Festival Bag:


    Kranparus’ Treasures:



    New pet:
    Winter Solstice Elf

    Winter Solstice Elf

    Nobody knows where this little fellow came from. Contrary to popular belief, he did not stick candy on his eye, but is he indeed as innocent as he pretends?
    + 16% armor value
    + 3% all resistance values
    + 19% armor value
    + 6% all resistance values
    + 22% armor value
    + 9% all resistance values
    + 25% armor value
    + 12% all resistance values
    Event Attire
    Winter Solstice Festival Event Attire
    [​IMG]Bonus while active:

    • 50% increased Honey Cookies drop stack size
    • 50% increased Joy of Winter Solstice Festival drop stack size
    • You no longer need to use Snow Essence to deal damage to Big Paws
    • Immune to Frozen Hatred

    Duration: 31 days
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