Support Find Sybil for 3d time?

Discussion in 'Quests' started by ΜΑΤΣΟΛΑΣ, Dec 28, 2020.

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    ΜΑΤΣΟΛΑΣ Forum Apprentice

    Hi, when i find Sybil for the 3rd time (hide & seek quest) she says to kill all creaters that surround her. I kill all of them but nothing happens. I canceled the quest and i took it again but it was the same (nothing happens when i kiil all the creatures). What's going on with that quest? another bug? or i do something wrong?

    please help
  2. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi ΜΑΤΣΟΛΑΣ you don't need to cancel it. Just re do it again form the beginning and before you get the artaya clear, in a map like this you'll se ehr with a question mark on and you'll have to defend her and quest is over...
