Fix Q7 buff for rangers

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by MaxDisappointed, Apr 8, 2019.

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  1. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    Supposedly EA should not cost concentration when the bonus is active, but when activated, if you have the necessary concentration, it is spent making you lose shots that should be without cost, with each active bonus 2/3 shots are lost because of this bug.
  2. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    This is not true.
    I throw the Net and start shooting EA once the net hits. With my crappy attack speed I can shoot 5 EA's with my concentration pool not moving down at all.
  3. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    Throw net and see your 100% concentration going down (this means your 2 first EA are not "free cost" as they would) then when using concentration on this 2 first EA, next ones are for free but obviously you lost potential attacks.
    Concentration should not go down with EA when you threw net (while bonus is active) and when finished then using the concentration, not while bonus is ON. This way you are losing attacks.
  4. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    You mean you want to shoot free EA right after throwing the net?
    I don't think that's the way the set is meant to work. It says EA costs no concentration after you have hit the enemy with the net.

    That's, imo, the intentional downside of the Q7 set, that you can very easily run out of concentration by using the buff recklessly or by missing the enemy with the net.
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