Fix the group problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROTH66, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    When everybody leaves the group and I remain alone, the group is automatically disbanded. OR IS IT?
    Well, it is, visually, because practically I'm still in group, meaning I can't accept others invitations, or I can't make a new group, because It says I'm already in group (and of course! I can't leave the previous group, because it doesn't exist anymore). Very annoying problem. VERY VERY very.
  2. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Yes it is annoying, but when that happens to you next time, tipe /leave in chat, that should fix your problem.
    Multi-Sev likes this.
  3. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    As stated by Zokin, until they fix it for good, the /leave command will fix the problem.
  4. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

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