Feedback Fixing the DK

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizzo90, Sep 12, 2015.

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  1. DebugPlayer

    DebugPlayer Forum Apprentice

    Now dragons fury only creates 150% x 4 times (4 sec.) = total 600% damage
    But old dragons fury (R155 before) have creates 5 times (4 sec.) 750% is true ;)
  2. Silentmist

    Silentmist Junior Expert

    Nice try, but i can see a different output here:
    Dragon Knight: 4025%
    Dragon hide, jump (125%), banner (300% and +35% atk speed), dragons fury 600%, 5*smash (240*5), dragons fury 600%, 5*smash (240*4)
  3. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Nobody sticks around for the full banner or dragons fury in pvp unless they're incompetent. For dragan, it probably won't work either due to lasers and the need to move around. For easier bosses it will.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  4. Silentmist

    Silentmist Junior Expert

    Yes, those were the assumptions, thank you for repeating them. Btw lasers will start to be a problem after 2min more or less, that means that you can do the full rotation 3 times. If that's not enough to kill him it's not a class problem, it's a gear problem.

    And this is not the best way to do it with a mage :)
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    The assumptions are terrible, hence my post.

    Btw, Dwarf can be better for melee distance tanking right now if you pick the right skills.
  6. ScientiaPotestasEst

    ScientiaPotestasEst Someday Author

    Just want to point out, Flag has 1 minute cooldown and this means the DK got the greatest period of cooldown for the attacking burst cycle described above. And without the flag, the burst damage of DK is laughable without rage generation from being hit (since R155).

    One other thing is armor break skills in bursting because it is essentially a 100% increased damage buff. Whoever got the best armor breaking skill is the best damage dealer vs non-immune mob types (and that's 95%+ of the mobs you kill anyways). That would be the ranger class with spammable AOE explosive arrow.

    Ranger players who complain about lack of concentration do not know how to play their class properly. Rangers also got the unique ability to restore 100% concentration on kill with deadly-blow (and 10% hp heal). Very OP ability because of 0s cooldown and no other class got anything like that. Unlike other classes hard-limited by cooldown timers, rangers will always win as long as the player can time it in such a way to deadly-blow the low-health mob to regain full conc (ie. unlimited armor break). Combine that with precision shot of 300% and bird of 300%, ranger is the clear winner.

    Vs immune mobs, as mentioned by wizzo earlier, ranger again is the clear winner, hard-limited by bird and adrenaline cooldown timers. Adrenaline is only 18s cd. That is a crazy good burst cycle considering how high it is, even if you only use bird every other burst cycle.

    Dwarf may be the best DPS class in PvE at the moment vs immune mob, but it only works under the assumption the mob stays still and your turrets don't miss. This is rarely the case vs immune mobs of any kind or PvP players. Hence, in reality, dwarf is rarely any better than ranger, if not worse. Vs. non-immune mobs, dwarf lose by a mile because of 30second cd armor break.

    In terms of tanking, dwarf is very good specced in 25/25 hp, tank gear, fast-attacking steam regen basic attack, steam heal and 2x steam regen (tactical) turret. Ranger is a close second because of wolves, 10% heal on kill and high HP base (equivalent to dwarf in HP base, secondary to DK). Mage is mage, still pretty badly at tanking with pitiful hp base and pathetic heals.

    All in all, if I have to choose as new starting player, I would pick ranger for PvP King, PvE best damage class and PvE 3rd best tank class. If I want to play a tank class, I would pick dwarf because it offers many advantages DK class lack at the moment (and can still excel in PvP flag running).

    I would stay away from DK and mage, because their cons greatly outweigh their pros; but that is just my opinion.
  7. Silentmist

    Silentmist Junior Expert

    You forgot to say that mages have no cooldown for their rotations (thanks to mind control and singularity).

    I can't speak for the dwarf, but looking at the skills this is what we have, for normal mobs or bosses:
    Burst damage winner: dk
    Long run damage winner: mage

    And we didn't put 2h weapons into the equation...
  8. ScientiaPotestasEst

    ScientiaPotestasEst Someday Author

    Mind control and singularity both have cooldowns, hard-limiting them on their burst cycle.

    Vs. non-immune mobs:

    Can you please explain how DK is the burst damage winner? Without flag, the lack of rage reduces that class to basic attacks. Flag is 1 minute cooldown. DK has the worst offensive enchantments on weapon and gears compared to rest of the classes. 2h was heavily nerfed in speed.

    Long-run damage winner is certainly not mage, they can not have 100% up-time on armor break. They are also hard-capped by mana regeneration speed and teleport cooldown for mana regain. Rangers are not hard-capped by concentration because of deadly-blow. Ranger armor break comes with its own ridiculous damage.
  9. Silentmist

    Silentmist Junior Expert

    Skills cooldowns are shorter if the mage is inside the singularity.

    Burst means in a short period of time, while the flag is active DK is the best damage dealer. Damage enchantments on the weapons are the same, with the difference of 12.5% crit rate on axes or more attack speed on swords. 2h swords have less speed and 2h axes give 12.5% crit rate, why are we still speaking about swords? :)

    With shortened cooldowns they can cast singu, <skills till 0 mana>, mind control, teleport, <skills till 0 mana>, teleport, <skills still 0 mana>, wait a few sec and repeat.
  10. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    lol ya if u like to play jump,jump and wait,i like to kill things and enjoy my toon,i dont want to jump around and bathe in sing lol.
    i have killed alot of jumpers being it a mage or archer,that it made me laugh,watching them jump around as i fireball them to death.
    keep jumping:p:p
    i refuse these so called skills and demand better thought for SW skills.
    and yes dk's need better PVE skills but not in PVP,to be fair,all buffs and immune when you hold the flag are canceled.same for sm iron drawf. when you get flag,you have nothing but your gear to save you.and this is just for ctf.a flag carrier should not have buffs nor be immune,run fast,or iron drawf the flag. you have the flag,your team must help you.i played many ctf's in diff games,and it's you,your team,and run like hell.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2015
  11. ScientiaPotestasEst

    ScientiaPotestasEst Someday Author

    Pretty sure ranger with explosive arrow + precision shots + birds + adrenaline + repeat outburst DK with or without flag in R155-6 by a mile. I assume by burst you mean burst cycle as described earlier by wizzo. If you want to compare hit on hit basis, ranger's explosive arrow is still more damage per hit than 2h DK's fully upgraded smash with 2h. For example, playing as DK, I've seen and have been on the receiving end of ranger's explosive arrow and died in 1 hit; no DK can 1 shot me with smash with 2h weapon.

    Mages can not have singularity uptime of 100% but rangers can with explosive arrow. Sure, mages can have a long period of vortex, but there is a downtime. Hence they are the second best DPS vs non-immune mobs after the ranger class (EA is 100% uptime).
  12. Silentmist

    Silentmist Junior Expert

    I was speaking about PVE

    During banner, DK outdamages the other classes, you can check the numbers in this thread. If you want to compare the damage of 1 skill we have 750% from destruction (explosive shot is 400%, or 600% with mark).

    Explosive arrow can't stay uptime 100%, it costs 66 conc (53 with long bow) and it lasts 3 sec, can't you see the 'downtime' here?
  13. emmjott

    emmjott Forum Greenhorn

    so HOW to fix the Warrior now? What is your opinion?

    To be honest, i doubt that "micro changes" will take any effect (especially for PVP).
    As long as you do not nerf ranged classes tremendous damage, or give DK Class a LOT more Def, there will be no noteable Difference. It doesn`t really matter, if a ranger (for instance) can kill my toon with 2 or with 3 shots. The result remains the same.
    As a melee fighter, you are doomed right now.

    So, I really hope there will be reasonable improvements with 157, to help the war. getting competitive again.
    Walt likes this.
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    How on earth you are planning to give idea for "fixing the DK" by attacking the other classes?
    Furthermore ... you are attacking the other classes without any knowledge and playing experience with them.
    I stand with Silentmist ... because the most of the other players don't even know how to play all the classes.

    Now when I play my DK ... I start attacking the mobs ... and then I say :
    WTH where is my rage? I need my rage ... I cant fight without the rage ... and NO ... i won't use any additional skill and waste my points on it ... because it was not needed before R155 ... and it will NOT be NEEDED now!!
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2015
    mokranje likes this.
  15. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    One user suggested on facebook that the war should generate fury when an enemy approaches 10 meters because the war is angry. And that's how it should be. I agree 100%. Besides the slowness of 2h weapons should give each hit 10 rage.
    I would eliminate the new skills and replace it with the skill to summon a dragon warrior.
    Pt 2, the dragon will increase stats.
    Pt 3, Dragon allows you to regenerate HP.
    Pt 5, the dragon shooting a ball of fire at the enemies away.
    I do not care PvP. Perhaps the war was ruined by players pvp (mages and archers). They wanted to win at all costs and for this they pissed at BP for several months.
    -Skygazer- likes this.
  16. Walt

    Walt Forum Greenhorn

    Wow, really? "attacking other classes?"

    have u played against 2hand mages in 5v5 with their new skill?

    when they hit dks 10-14k? even some 1hand mages can deal 8-10k

    how are u gonna fix dks or pvp as whole, without doing something about that?

    i see u are very experienced in pve on all fronts, but can't say that on pvp
    emmjott likes this.
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