Fool your colleagues if you want but not your loyal players !

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Sprokkel, Feb 14, 2024.

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  1. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    DSO nowadays is nothing but deception, loyal players who fool you (literally), overdue maintenance, error here, error there, bugs all over the place.
    Please give us back our trusted DSO so that we can compete to obtain sought-after items.

    Who wants to have a Golden Dragon for 100 €, it`s sick.
    I look in my collector's bag, I see Vortex of love at trails and I see circles, Path of Promise at Alchemy.
    When I click on each of these items it indicates that they are available at an event.
    When will there be another Valentine event where players can compete for items like this? Nothing at all, just a shop where they are sold.
    But the shop is NOT an event!
    You are misleading your loyal players, and all DSO team members who participate in this form of cheating are sick in the head.

    Give us back our DSO game, Stop milking players financially because that has nothing to do with a game.
    Shame on you.
    tozagol likes this.
  2. Viyanor

    Viyanor Forum Apprentice

    They've done a terrible job with the game lately. With repetitive events and time-stealing EDIT, the game has become something else. And it's nothing but a drain on our pockets! They make me hate it.
    You can also get a real pet for 100 euros :D
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 14, 2024
    tozagol likes this.
  3. Dragenstein

    Dragenstein Padavan

    I got an email yesterday saying there was an expansion. The game looks the same to me. Were they talking about the expansion from 4 years ago? There was a bonus code, but the voucher screen never loaded. Then the game crashed. LOL. Looks like DSO hasn't gotten any better.
    tozagol likes this.