Suggestion Friend Request

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by AuZor, Feb 19, 2016.

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  1. AuZor

    AuZor Forum Apprentice

    Very simple, surprised this hasn't been implemented yet.

    It bothers me how people can add each other without the other one knowing.

    It would be very fitting to the game, if both parties could agree to become friends by asking, just like how a group request is sent.

    Either by clicking on said players character, or typing out a command such as /f a [Name]

    ''/friend add urlame123''

    I've had people add me and contact me where I have no idea who they are. Same goes other way around.
    NoelaniAlthea and hempthegreen like this.
  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I don't really see the issue here. If someone adds me to their friends list without me knowing, what do I care? If they choose to bug me over and over, I can add them to the ignore list, problem solved.

    Most people simply want to remember who they had a good time running a map with. That's kind of the point to a mmo.

    Maybe I have just been lucky but my ignore list is very short and all have been spammers bugging everyone, not actual gamers.
    EhtovK likes this.
  3. AuZor

    AuZor Forum Apprentice

    I'm not talking about spammers and the ignore list. You just pointed out, why a developed friending system would work out well. I want to be able to receive and send friend request, like in most mmos/rpgs.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  4. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    The feature you are requesting (a mutual social connection) would be very useful and actually required, if it would include any specific rights (affecting privacy), e.g. seeing when a user was last online, or sending him an offline message.

    As it is now, I am using my friend list for "remembering" and "monitoring " in general, also of people I don't really know (e.g. realm mage Thabo), or PvP competitors.
    I would not want to send these people an actual friend request. You probably also would not want to add EVERYONE whose email address you have in your webmail-account as a friend on Facebook...
  5. AuZor

    AuZor Forum Apprentice

    You want to add them to ''remember'' and ''monitor'' them, but you don't want them to be able to do the same to you? I don't get it. Either you think it's a good idea, or you don't. What you're writing makes no sense. I'm simply requesting a feature most online games have.
  6. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    I am totally fine with anyone adding me to their "friend" list, without notification for me, as long as it doesn't give them more rights and possibilities affecting my privacy than searching for my name in the list of all characters (i.e. status quo).
    Only if being friends would imply enabling any additional functions, I think a confirmation and establishing a mutual connection as you suggested it would be needed.
    So, I think it is a good idea, but only when implemented together with additional social features, like asynchronous messaging or detailed privacy settings (maybe for several different groups), e.g. for access to when I was online for the last time.
    The current mechanism is more about simply "following" somebody (as on Twitter or Google Circles) rather than adding them as a friend (as on Facebook).
    I hope you get the sense of what I wrote now... If not, never mind.
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