[Full Moon] Costume Drop Chance

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yeomanry, Oct 21, 2015.

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  1. yeomanry

    yeomanry Advanced

    What's its drop chance? Wiki (Anon) states it's 1:25

    And how much essences is needed to complete the event? Many thanks in advance.
  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    That would be my guess also on drop chance about 4-5% If you run it just with silver ess it would depend on your damage. I have decent damage on Bigmomma and it took me a little over 8k last month, thats post R156 stats at lvl50.
  3. yeomanry

    yeomanry Advanced

    Thanks. I've had 20k in stack just in case.
  4. jhinota

    jhinota Forum Greenhorn

    I have entered only two full moon events yet and got costume at second one. Good luck.
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    How much silver you'll need will depend on your damage output - now that we can tweak experience talents and wisdom at will, its pretty easy to do the event with 10k silver even as a 1H dk. I generally go with a max damage build for the moonhowlers and then tweak to a 3 stun + defensive build for the boss. Now that I have a 2H, I'm hoping to get all the drakens and boss runs for 6K silver.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
  6. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Yeo, I should have noted on my first reply that I clear the entire map when i run this event as it is usually a good drop zone for cubes and leg's. If you use the direct to Moonhowler approach I would think you could drop the ess count significantly.
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