Full Moon Event[July]

Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Allogeneous, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]


    This weekend the Full Moon event is happening.
    The silver light of the moon is turning regular wolves into aggressive Werewolves!

    Save the Island of Varholm!

    ServerStart Date/Time (CET) End Date/Time (CET)
    Fullmoon Event (EU Servers) 12th July 12:00 pm14th July 12:00 pm
    Fullmoon Event (Agathon)12th July 6:00 pm14th July 6:00 pm
    Fullmoon Event (Tegan)12th July 9:00 pm14th July 9:00 pm

    Helpful links:
    Event Guide