Full Moon Piggie Help

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Dragonnns, Nov 22, 2023.

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  1. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I decided to take screen shots of where all the piggies are in Varholm during the Full Moon event. I was able to find all of them except two. I'm missing a good screen shot for 8 and for 22 based on this map:


    8 is easy enough to spot as it sits on the corner of the building but I don't think I've ever found 22. if anyone has screen shots of those, I'd appreciate your sharing it.

    If you want to see the screen shots I have, here are the links:

    Piggie 1
    Piggie 2
    Piggie 3
    Piggie 4
    Piggie 5
    Piggie 6
    Piggie 7
    Piggie 9
    Piggie 10
    Piggie 11
    Piggie 12
    Piggie 13
    Piggie 14
    Piggie 15
    Piggie 16
    Piggie 17
    Piggie 18
    Piggie 19
    Piggie 20
    Piggie 21
    Piggie 23
    Piggie 24
    Piggie 25

    Ennika and Paladin21 like this.
  2. Paladin21

    Paladin21 Forum Apprentice

    Good job.

    How many pigs appear for each entry?

    What does each pig give?
  3. Selene-Rip

    Selene-Rip Regular

    say to relay information, it's more honest. gg
    but [​IMG]
    well done saying "I decided to take photos" as something new on the forum - Is not correct.
    this information has been visible since 2017 (or before) on the forum and you are aware of it.

    all information about pigglets concerning the location of the events (fullmoon and others) has been listed here on the forum for several years as well as on the wiki, discord etc... so rephrase your words
    exemple [​IMG]

    so rephrase your words

    Are the 2 pigs that you didn't find the same ones that you were looking for in 2016 ?
  4. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    There are supposed to be 5 piggies per map. However, I've had only four show up several times. I've been wondering if the missing piggies were the ones I am missing from the map.

    They typically drop 10-20 silver essence or some progress for the event. Not much but it is just fun to find them.


    I never said that this was something new. Clearly, since you included one of my posts from 2016 where I shared images of some of the piggies, I am aware that there are screen shots out there.

    The wiki does not include screen shots of all 25 of the potential piggies.

    The wiki has a screen shot of piggie #8 but you can't actually see the piggie. It just has a circle showing where the piggie is supposed to be. Neither the wiki nor the forum has a screen shot of #22. If it is on Discord, I won't get it because I refuse to share my phone number and therefore, can't see most of what happens there.

    My goal was to take screen shots of the piggies for my personal reference. I was hoping that someone here may have done the same and have a good screen shot of the two "missing" piggies.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 23, 2023
  5. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I'm not sure if something changed but I found both Piggie 8 and Piggie 22... and on the same run!

    Here are the links:

    Piggie 8
    Piggie 22
  6. Talbor

    Talbor Advanced

    Thanks for posting this. I've never noticed them before.