Game Freeze / Disconnection

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. Forum Apprentice

    Hi Dso,

    I've been experiencing a lot of disconnection and game freeze issues since the last patch (117) and after the maintenance today, nothing changed, instead another bug appeared to me. It gave me a nebula error as shown in the picture attached to this post. Internet works just fine, I still had my internet connection after i got the nebula error, this is new to me.

    Thank you,
  2. DON97802

    DON97802 Forum Greenhorn

    its normal, it crashes when im on full screen, when im going to talk to a quest keeper
  3. Forum Apprentice

    Ye, that's not normal.....
  4. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    jumps alot, freezes, get kicked off game, people disappear only names show, then to top it of when you are in a dungeon people dont show, you only know they are there when hitting mobs..
  5. Forum Apprentice

    Or when they use their pet and u can see the pet walking around xD
  6. moby31

    moby31 Regular

  7. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    After an update, it is good practice to clear your DSO client folder to eliminate any conflicting files. Try that out and let me know if it works out for you.
  8. Malister

    Malister Forum Greenhorn

    I'm getting one of those Critical errors too. I cleared my DSO client folder and deleted java temp files with no success. Still getting critical error and am unable to play.
  9. Forum Apprentice

    Sorry for late reply, I tried clearing DSO folder earlier but it didnt help, after the COT event begun it has been pretty normal....
  10. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    hey i have done everything what possibly i could do still no improvements
    sometimes game is running fine but today's lags are the worst i have ever had
    just freeze on map skills delayed it's seems like i don't have response from the server .
    I have wrote to support .
  11. MorDerMe

    MorDerMe Forum Apprentice

    Yep, I've been getting that too... no solutions offered. now I cannot even launch the game. I am real close to closing my account -- fed up with the inconvenience and waste of my time...

    I am reading through Admin threads and there is an entire page of delete caches for java, history, DSO, etc... You've got to be kidding! Go through that crap every time I have a problem with the game?!

    Cleared Java, Temp files, etc., as what I have read in the Forums and the load is still slow, and, if I am lucky enough for the game and players to load, I am still getting kicked from the game. Need some real help here, or you'll have one less DSO player who will share this information with friends interested in the game.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 21, 2014
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