Game is deeply flawed in PVP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROTH66, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    PVP is a pain in the ***. No matter what you choose to play. 5v5 (capture the flag), Is unapproachable, KOTO being usually the lowest rank there, especially for 45 level players. 1v1 is the hardest, is also the only one I like, but I can only play it with my level 45 character, the other ones are doomed to fail.

    The balance of the game is great. But nonexistent.
    ie.: lvl 32 Centurion experimented vs lvl 28 Legionare experimented.
    Guess who won?

    And there's an easy way to fix this, Sum the level of the player with the pvp lvl, ie level 30 player, level 25pvp, [30+25=55], then the server attempts to find match of level 55±5.
    In current form The server does try to find a close match, but if it doesn't it just puts you against a Marshal.
    Solution is simple: If it fails to find a close to level 55 after 2min, display: "MATCH NOT FOUND" try again Yes/No.

    And in this way, I won't be forced to fight marshal, or feld-marshal with my centurion novice. I don't even fight in those, I just quit, giving them the match.
    Which I don't find it to be fair. I know, those players had spent many hours playing and maybe money. And they have to be rewarded. But why should I be punished in the process?

    Now If this is just my opinion, then it's my fault for not adapting to the game's crappiness. But if more low level players think the same.. things should be done.
    PS. Opinions uttered here won't weigh to much, since most of them will come from feld marshals, who got bored of beating noobs, and now roam the forums to troll around.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  2. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Well, I'm only a Marshal thus far, so I have some work to do before I get to roam and troll.

    I like the idea. I think PvP is unfair for the majority of people while the minority gets to have fun. Sounds familiar, does it not?

    However, I can't help but wonder how a level 25 player with 20 Fame would fare against a level 40 with 5 Fame... While the idea is sound, the math lags behind. The advantage per exp level is higher than the advantage per fame level, which means a 1-to-1 relation would still not be fair. So it would have to be something like:

    (EXP level x R) + (Fame level x S) R and S being the ratios of each level, the sum of which is 1. So let's say exp accounts for 4/7th of the advantages, fame would account for 3/7th. (and this would mean we are neglecting Knowledge which can be 30% damage and HP dis/advantage)

    So: (Level 40 x 4/7) + (5 Fame x 3/7) = 25 Total Level Scale
    (Level 25 x 4/7) + (20 Fame x 3/7) = 23 TLS

    We can see the total is similar but would it really be fair?

    P.S: What about beginners... a level 10 with 0 Fame for example, who'd they fight?
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  3. ROTH66

    ROTH66 Someday Author

    Yes some tweaking would be alright. Anyway, It wouldn't take me more than half an hour to find the right formula, or at least a better one (might resemble the one you stated above, theinfamous+taking knowledge into consideration). And the game is on the market since 2011? so it's been more than 3 years?
  4. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    I personally have more problems with higher pvp level than pve level. Play both DK and RA lvl 28 both novice centurions now. Even as a legionare i didnt have a problem going against centurions, but KOTOs are really to much to handle. I suppose there should be a limit in pvp range. KOTOs should play against KOTOs since they have the pvp tree fast full anyway.
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