Game NOT working

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by CharlieBailey, Dec 24, 2023.

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  1. CharlieBailey

    CharlieBailey Forum Apprentice

    I came on here to ask why the game is not working, with a HORRIBLE lag in the solstice event. Looks like several players beat me to the punch. I hate that the game is doing this but, it's nice to know it's not just me. PLEASE let us know what's up. I feel like there should be some sort of compensation for game items & whatnot. haven't been able to play in 2 or 3 days. help I can't even portal out of the event.
    MandragonLii and nehbcnj12 like this.
  2. OPΛ

    OPΛ Forum Apprentice

    The entire game is full of lag and unplayable, imagine paying for Deluxe and not being able to play the game. They are also ignoring everyone, no announcement, no apology for the state of the game. We are only good to pay up...
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    I activated the delux they gave us in the last code cos as this game is not gonna be playeable more till go to see when. at least i take anders and chest by the face...
    SoftwareEngineer likes this.
  4. mariusmgm

    mariusmgm Someday Author

    they dont care about no players in the game
    SoftwareEngineer likes this.
  5. Viyanor

    Viyanor Forum Apprentice

    bye-bye mini-event. We had all the time in the world to do it and it got away from us because the game was broken. We can't participate in the tree activity either. That's good.
    tozagol and SoftwareEngineer like this.
  6. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    Im so glad I'm not on your players servers..because over here on Tegan the game is working..we do have a bit of Lantecy spikes..but nothing serious..the Tree worked just a few ERROR 36 a few times yesterday but hey that's just the NORM on DSO these days..
  7. Viyanor

    Viyanor Forum Apprentice

    where tree
  8. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Gone now. It ended on the 25th.
  9. Viyanor

    Viyanor Forum Apprentice

    no posts were shared beforehand to let us know about this. This is a manifestation of the callousness of the drakensang online authorities.
  10. BestCherso1998

    BestCherso1998 Someday Author

    To be fair, the tree had a pretty clear description such as "until 23:59 of 25th december". Also, the 2 cash offers had a timer too.
  11. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    All players were treated unfairly by not adding days when the game was not running to the event period. For this reason, many people were not able to complete the Kranparaus 2 mini event. I invite all players to defend our rights.
  12. sharlih

    sharlih Forum Greenhorn

    The Christmas Tree lagged server and I was unable to complete the Kranparus II. However I noticed the tree was gone and 1 day left to do so, but on Christmas time you do not have often time to finish the progress if you're preparing the dinner, packing presents, going to family etc, so I think it is unfair that we didn't have an opportunity to complete the mini event - bonus code should be given, but I noticed there are some issues with bonus codes so maybe they did not know how to compensate players. Well it is, what it is
    darklord2020 likes this.
  13. darklord2020

    darklord2020 Forum Apprentice

    They must give the ice piece at the end of the mini event to the players along with the bonus code.