Discussion in 'Test Server' started by DSO Production Team, Apr 6, 2018.

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  1. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Dwarves could ignore to craft those pieces and build up crit is much more difficult than damage
    Besides, dwarves had that choice, other classes didn't, why should dwarves be special snowflakes?

    No, if you want to have the best damage output, you have to take into account all factors that contribute to damage, pure damage, crit damage, impact and attack velocity and you have to be forced to have all 4 of them,if you want to be the best

    You can sacrifice one of those for more life or defenses, but you shouldn't be able to compete with those who increase the four of them, since you traded damage for something else, you made a compromise, you can't have your cake and eat it too

    I mentioned moba in relation to LoL, of course wow or d3 are not mobas,nor i did say they were, the strawman said that
    I do not care those games have their raw damage, this is another game and this game is built differently, here you have to build crit in addition to raw damage, if you want to be a powerful dps

    If there are better alternatives, then your equipment becomes less effective than those better alternatives
  2. OrochimaruSama

    OrochimaruSama Someday Author

    But the skill really is not clear, if it resets not only the skills cooldown but also the group effects, it is ok for the time. But if it does not, it's just crap from the pack even if the time is 90 seconds.
  3. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    No it's not worth to talk because it's a second buff max 3 times in a run that will make 0 difference in the run, most of all when that buff works also for other members when they are in a very close range and SM haven't very good skill to reset (all the other classes have better skills to reset and not just Q7 enablers), can't be used in solo and because other classes have way better buffs. Not only you said something wrong (6 seconds with zero cooldown, isn't it? Wake up that was only in your weat dreams) but you keep thinking it's "something" anyone will look at when it's time to create a Group (won't happen).
    With mechanical turrets I reset Q7 enabler every 4"-5" just to let you understand how pathetic it is. DKs with ragefull attack can have that buff 100% uptime and so it is for SW with MC & Singu. The only ones that got a stick in their *** are RAs (because BP said they weren't gonna nerf the actual skills but would try to buff unused ones).
    I undestand the skill, I never said the sky is falling (I just corrected someone that was spreading false informations) and as I already said (and I was totally right, AGAIN) those Group buffs are, more or less, useless and not worth to mention, if they were worth to mention, a pathetic cooldown reset once in a while it's the worst buff out of the batch (just to silence to ones that thought it would have made SMs more demanded in groups).
    On the other side, do you ever read what it's written?
    easy answer: no

    Dwarfs were crafting those items with OTHER enchantments, the ones that were ignoring them were just newbies without a clue on how to build the char just like any other class that wasn't crafting those pieces and the time I spent to craft those it's the same any other class spent but, unlike any other class, now that time e money I spent will be rendered useless. Again, you are just like a broken disc that repeats the same things over and over, I had the same chances to craft my helm, rings, ammy and adornament as any other class but you think dwarfs had some miracolus advantage in that. If it was so easy to craft a full dmg helm and full aspd adornament, show me your 3-4 full gold lined adornaments and helms.
    You are the one that is babysitted h24 by a tank isn't it? Probably you've never soloed any boss other than fatal isn't it? Try with higher mods, you'll find out that anyone sacrifices max dmg in favor of HP just like dwarfs.
    You don't care because, like I said:
    I'm sorry for you, I'm different/better than this.
    Infact they aren't giving alternatives and this is the problem but the "broken disc" can't get it.
    No you don't, I position mechanical turrets as well as all the other 5 turrets and where it was positioned the mechanical had little to no impact as they were autoaiming.
    With the patch, that you haven't tested (obviusly) MG turrets are casted @ the cursor point and more specifically BEHIND the mob you were targetting. This means that, now, when you use a MG turret, not only you need to keep the cursor in 2-3 mm range of your character, you also have to "aim" in the target direction (but we know the turret will fire 1mm higher than the cursor was) and it's impossibile to target anyone that is on top or on the roof of a stair/downhill. If you haven't tested it, don't speak.

    Pfff, a dwarf that thinks he's good because he crafted a couple of rings, what a shame.
    Do you know how much time I spent to get this?
    2 dmg off the max
    and let's not forget my aspd adornament & full dmg helm

    How was your equipment before you "switched" to such a pr0 build that requires you to look at the bottom of the screen to push a button?
    Do you think I'm not able to use Q7 + Q8 just because I was using both the sets?
    How many turrets were you using?
    I was using 7 turrets regularly do you?

    Just because you spent some drakens on a ring that isn't even that good (Mortis obviusly is a lot better but probably you are not able to get it because you can't buy it from a vendor) you think you can judge ppl that were using different builds.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  4. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author

    Indeed, the previous 5pts talent of dive falls is more useful.
  5. Nicko

    Nicko Forum Greenhorn

    OMG this happens to me 2nd time already. For some reason I remember playing drakensang in 2009 and I remember being told of for this by my old guild as the game wasn't released only until 2011. Might be cause I was really young back then, I just remember playing on a mage when there were just a few thousand players registered as this number was displayed on the home screen. Anyway my point was that I play for a long time so I know what I am talking about.
    I didn't choose the easy path as u say I did. You obviously changed to crit when q7 and q8 sets came out so you were playing 2h machine gun build before, as did most of other SMS because there was no other way to get in a group. Also there is no skill on SM with any of the builds.
  6. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    But they could and that was unfair, not to mention that dwarves weren't nearly as hard by the level increases

    I did solo come bosses in inf 2/ inf 3, not all, some i still can't and i have to learn them, but i do not need to, since i can group with my guild
    But i have no need to do those difficulties, since fatal in the best difficulty, it gives a reasonable amount of andermants, it gives a good amounts of points on leatherboards without spending too much time
    And i do not need pure cores, so i have no reason to do infernals, nor i want to imitate those strong players

    Yes, it's normal and fair, you want to have the best offensive power?You have to rely on all factors, not just 2 of them
    You can ignore 2 or one of them, but you trade more survivability for less offensive power, you make a compromise​
  7. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    Some additional changes on test server:
    - travel items and gems stack up to 9999
    - monster damage has been risen
    - base character damage has been adjusted: MAGE 360 -> 468, RANGER & STEAM 360 -> 425, DK 360 -> 360 (values for 55 lvl character)
    cdeepal likes this.
  8. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Well well, time for real feedback:
    Since I only have 1 good char in test server, I'll tell about it.
    It is dwarf lv50 and before TS r208 it had 2300 dmg and 1.17 speed... Now have 2400 dmg and 1.32 speed, because i can use talent like colossus even with lower wisdom level.

    Anyway, I think some changes are not good.
    1) Tactical Turret, that doesn't recover steam (unless u have high group talents level). It now have +20% movement speed as base bonus, plus the dmg that already was dealing (I think is increased, but I don't remember exact numbers). 2 pts and 3 pts talents give +5% armor/resist if hit by one of flying balls, and 5 pts talent allow to have 2 Tactical Turrets, so it is a nerfed skill.
    2) Quick Shot, I think 5 pts talent should deal normal dmg and then 30% fire dmg over time (same for Hunting Arrow).
    3) MachineGun Turret... I think it should not be placed so far from dwarf. Well, for PvP can be good since you can put it in enemy face and maybe destroy him, but at the same time you loose "surprise effect", because enemy can see it... For PvE is nerfing feature.
    4) Tesla Turret, changed talent that allow antistun with talent that make Tesla have 10% chance to stun an enemy inside it... Now antistun is put in "strongest" Wisdom Talents, but has a 90 sec cooldwon, so it can't be as usefull as before, so another nerf.
    5) Turrets in general. Ok you can add HP to them, but making it aggro mobs because of its dmg is nosense. Also, criticals are ok, but at least not on MachineGun Turret, so players can choose 2 different setups (that should be both at same strenght level).
    6) Even if kinda buffed, Bombs are still not really good to be used.

    So, result is that SMs will need to change nearly all equip (if they did not craft already crit/crit dmg setup) and adapt to new and kind hard playstile, but it is a IF, since BP can still change its mind.

    In the end, about Wisdom Tree, I hope we get an increase on our current level, since it would be kinda hard to get back to usual maps farm :(

    okay thx... Sorry, I had to make new account for forum, since real account name I think cant't be ok with netiquette (or whatever):D
  9. Falk101

    Falk101 Junior Expert

    They could bring new content with very hard boss and hard challenges, but no, they prefer to nerf us in hope we'll buy more to rebuild our characters... But it will not work for me. I'll test the update because maybe it will not be so terrible and if it doesn't suit me I'll leave. There's life after DSO ;)

    PS : I already stopped my Deluxe, i will wait this update and see if i renew or not.
  10. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    They Always gave 20% walking speed buff, the 2 pts talent gave 5%res&5%armor, 3pts gave second turret, 5 pts gave steam regen, with the Group talent you regen steam for every gruop member hit by the explosion which means zero because the range it's so small noone will be ever hit by that, so, I agree, this is a flat nerf.
    it makes dmg into fire dmg and ADDS a 25% chance to apply "burn" effect (a 30% dmg every sec for 5 secs which is usefull only in PvP since cannot stack and it's refreshed if applied). This is a little buff (basically ony in PVP and, by what Ive seen all they did was to nerf PvE and buff PvP. Ppl will cry very soon for crits on mech turrets because with Q8 they become op).

    Agree, in PvP this will make cry a lot of ppl because the casting time it's slow but the opponent won't see the Yellow beam ultill it's applied and they can crit so there's much more burst than before. SW and RA that were used to stay far will enjoy it because they cannot stay in range and if they come in close range will be destroyed by mech turrets and if the try to remove turrets you have an auto attack to harrass them that deals 150% dmg with burning, have fun guys.
    Another solid nerf but, honestly, noone cared about the antistun, it was partially usefull in PVP against DK but now they partially lost their chain stun so it was usefull only for noob tanks and thats good they won't have/aks for that anymore.
    Exactly what I said multiple time, the funny thing is they added HP to turrets but they removed the feature we saw in the first "balancement" proposed that was buffing the turrets/dwarf when in close range to the turrets, basically they show something that was interesting and was giving a sort "unique" feature to the turrets and made em stupid AoE with exactly the same formula of a ToT or Dragon rage, but they gave em HP and agro generation. I cannot test em @ highest lvl but I'm sure they will be 1shotted by any special attack from bosses which means dwarfs will deal 0 dmg once the turrets have been destroyed and leaving harmless the dwarf because they cannot regen steam once the turret is destroyed.
    They are OP as hell, its a 324% dmg auto attack no affected by ASPD so the new meta for dwarfs will be full HP/crit dmg, all you have to do is to have enough def to let your turrets survive, they will agro the mobs and you'll blow them with those bombs or the usual "q7" build because the only thing they buff is the ability to reset cooldowns, and guess what it's based on a skill with cooldown?? What a wonderfull: flattening for life!!!
    There are also other nerfs across the board:
    - Rocket pack 5pts nerfed (removed cooldon, now deals some pathethic dmg)
    - Dwarf in a box: 5pts talent useless health rege for turrets (that will be onshotted or won't be killed befor you would dismantel anyway, another flat nerf with a useless talent and the skill itself wasn't used anyway)
    - oil slick, they reworded the description of 5 pts skill but doesn't work for bosses so stays as useless skill so they could remove, btw now it correctly says it's casted at your position (it would have been too good if it was casted as desired location). this isn't a nerf, it's just plain useless.
    - steam conductor: BUFFED, now the Group buff will heal for 5% every 30", shame is dwarfs without tactical turrets and zero speed regen zero steam so noone will use it, so another useless changement
    - tesla: comapred to MG turrets deals more dmg, haven't tested if stacks (i suppose it doesn't as it never did), they removed the utistun (noone cares) and gave a change to stun (noone cares as well). basically nothing changed but this turrets will generate immense agro so it will be destryed by mobs in matter of seconds (let's say immediatly) so none will ever use it anyway. Another nerf across the board.
    The other skills have been not changed and the Group talent other than rocket pack are basically the same for everybody, not Worth to describe nor to judge em.

    This wasn't a PvE balancing, was just a PVP "balancement".

    no argument, no data, just personal impression by someone that lacks in

    experince both in this game and other games, relevance of the comment... near to nothing.
    Grimmag and eventually Heredur? maybe Herald isn't it? How many HP? 35k? By what you said with your "full dmg" build (AKA glass cannon or "I get babysitted by tank h24") I suppose it wasn't possibile for you to handle mortis not even in inf 1 (and probably you struggle also in fatal).
    Dwarfs never had the best offences, infact those belongs to the ones that used crits, Dwarfs never had burst, dwarfs had sustained dmg but you cannot know this since you hardly understand what "minion based build" means.
    With some effort you can get it, dwarfs did exactly this, do you see? With some application you can get it, now admit that there was no need to remove aspd from MG turrets and you can start to think as normal persons would.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  11. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    i dont get this idea,,, dwarfs turrets didnt crit cuz they would have been really good so thats why any summoned minion doesnt crit, but now dwarfs will have criting turrets so burst and sustained dmg at the same time since you can combine q7, q8 with th new ciriting turrets while mage and ranger minions cant.... why ? Would be too op ? for things whch atack 1/4 of what dwarf turret will . I accepted the fact it will be dwarfensang again but i dont get it alteast make it easier for sw and ranger to solo i mean guardian could be changed by making him more of an ofensive rather defensive something like, throw it near me rather than at the boss to agro, since we alredy have mind control. For rangers the wood already needs to deal dps to heal so why not crit aswell even though it atacks really slowly so it wont hurt anybody, also this will make them viable vs tanks and not free healing.
  12. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    so devs want us to build defence over damage output..

    well lot of players doesnt play in group because it takes bit more time to kill mobs because they have instantly more hp every player joined group.

    if monsters hit more harder and it comes to live servers aswell then im finished this game theres plenty others newgames out there. time to spend there.
  13. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    They were able to recover just fine, especially after the introduction of level 50

    I built glass cannon because in high difficulties i go with group, why is it exactly bad?I do not care about soloing bosses in high difficulties

    I dwarves rivalling other dps, for a time they were the best dps

    Except they didn't, they could craft life amulets/ life rings and still have the same power as the other classes, while the others were forced to put crit damage into those objects, if they wanted more survivability, they had to trade offensive power
    Now dwarves are in the same situation of the other classes, they do not get to be special snowflakes anymore

    i didn't even mention attack speed removal from MG turrets, why are bringing this up?
  14. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    The most important thing that everyone should worry about it not what X and Y gives now but what BP will do when X or Y will do too much or too less.We can all debate here and assume that this and that is ok or too weak/OP but we will never know until some ppl build their setups around that certain skill/item.Its like chess.At first it might seem like a good move to do this or that but in the end your oponent might beat the crap out of you with ease.

    If or when (most likely when will be the case here) this will happen is important what BP will do about it.We have seen them doing nothing for the past 2 years and allow them tanks to be OP af for this entire time.Id be more interested in having a faster response time than swaping yet again the skill tree after few years or increasing the lvl cap.

    As it is right now we can only assume that it will be ok but until these changes make it on live servers we wont know for sure.As i said, once that happens, based on our feedback the response time will be what matters along with the changes that might occur.

    Otherwise, at the end of the day we will end up with a skill tree that is eating a lot of resources and $ (in some cases) that will get us nowhere if the balance will still be crap.Especially if some classes will be weak af and again warriors will be OP as hell as it was until now.
    semen470 likes this.
  15. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Tbh, I do not play dwarf a lot...
    Ah, okey, I confused those two:D

    You can put it near an ally so that the flying bombs trying to reach u, hit the ally instead, but it would be hard to do everytime in a boss run.

    Yeah, I read it... I was just saying that in my opinion it shouldn't deal elemental dmg with direct attack, and the same for the reworked Hunting Arrow. At least they would be tweaked a bit for PvP, considering they added DoT.

    Hmm, I don't agree at 100%, because now Dragon Hide is being nerfed too, so Tesla would have been usefull as it is on Live Servers.
    But, anyway, the Group Talent related to it, is very usefull for 2-handed DKs using Q7 set, since they lost %attack speed buff from Banner of War.

    Idk, I thought I've read a cooldown on the skill... Maybe it was just distraction.

    I know it, but it looked kinda funny, also, it will be OP for farming Full Moon:D

    It was only good at lv45 on a 5vs5 if you were chased by a DK, so I did not even consider it a proper skill, even tho with Q1 set it could have given a good buff to MachineGuns (but it require annoying movements etc).

    As said, it can be good with the Group Talent, but still in my opinion...

    BTW, I noticed something weird with Sharpnel Shot. The talent that reduces its cooldown says "from 60 to 40 seconds"...
    How much will it be reduced if a player has 1 or more Rune of Focus? o_O
    I meam, if I have -10% cooldown on skills, it is will take 54 sec to use it again, but then, using CD reduction talent, will it have 34 or 36 sec?

    Oh, has anyone some screenshots of Group Skills for Rangers? Because on TS it says that I need 9000 levels to see Wisdom and Group Trees tab. Thx anyway.
  16. -DARK-FURY-

    -DARK-FURY- Forum Greenhorn

    Few people told me that lighting and frozen sphere got buffed. Can anyone explain me how? Is q7 still better then q4?
    Can anyone tell me how do we get these small potions which we need for crafting buff potions, aka +10% dmg....
    Also im interesed in ess crafting to...
    About new r_208, i cant wait to come on live servers. I hope that i will get some extra speed, dmg, crit/dmg from new wisdom skills.

    IGN: Gasparinsito
    Server: Heredur
  17. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    You hope that BP will give you power for free?Wait for that to hit the live and after you will enjoy one week they will bring infernal 4 5 6 7 8 9 and you are dust.

    New (something they call) meta in a game so heavy pay to win means that your money that you invest in game will be erased every time when they bring new meta, they just make a bigger machine to squeeze money.
    People naive like you are the target and player that spend k k k andermant in game and cant quit because they have invest too much.
    I will enjoy this as much as i enjoy now when i see all of you talking about new changes instead of see the big picture.

    If BP was smart they should have introduce every passive skill in with every knowledge event to make this more enjoyable and to avoid make this look like a new meta and big nerf. This way they had content for all year and make the transition much easy.But they want to see you weak to make you feel that you need to buy something to repair that.
    semen470 likes this.
  18. Evowise

    Evowise Forum Apprentice

    So... after another day of testing the features from the test server, here is my feedback:
    The Good:
    The new reworked wisdom and talents tree could give us more flexible ways to customize our skills and/or our setups... and it will allows us to choose the way they work into the game environment. This way, we can find a setup more suitable with our playing style.
    The Bad:
    The way that MG turrets are placed far away from our chars will make this main skill useless because, from around 80 % accuracy we gonna have around 20 % (in a real situation, when we are at farming, the monsters will come toward us... if we move the mouse cursor at the place where the monster is at a given time... until we see our turret activated, the monster will make at least 2 or 3 more steps toward us, passing over the point where our turret is, making the turret useless).
    I speak on behalf of all SM's when i say that the MB turret SHOULD remain right in front of us to be useful and because of this reason i ask the developers to make the necessary adjustments otherwise the main skill - the MG turret will become useless. You can ask everyone about this and you'll get the same answer: there is no logical reason for a skill that operates in only one direction to be placed far away from the char.
    The Ugly:
    The new skill bar with those places for the new potions look like unfinished work and it covers the health and the resource bubble making them difficult to be seen as it should so... choose another place, another way to place them.
    semen470 likes this.
  19. Conqueror21

    Conqueror21 Forum Apprentice

    I think the Guardian's death aura should add hp.That could help the entire team efficiently.
  20. -DARK-FURY-

    -DARK-FURY- Forum Greenhorn

    Isn`t every game aim to get money from it?
    Drakensang Online have borders of P2W, same as F2P, You can`t get stronger without farm. You can buy max gems, and melt, and play 3 hours per day, but you will not be strong as someone who only buy premium and farm more then 6h per day, im i right?
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