game suggestion: add a Essence color glow effect/identifier

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bigfoot_pi, May 4, 2018.

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  1. bigfoot_pi

    bigfoot_pi Someday Author

    please add a glow effect or other identifier of the essence color a player is using on the character. either on weapon or gloves or on the level number circle in group mode where the spirit stone circle appears so people can know what essence eachother is using. thanks
    AlmosTBlack likes this.
  2. Erebus

    Erebus User

    You can already see that in R209, by hovering above that very circle, it'll show which essence the other player is using, although it's still on the Test server, we'll have to wait and see if it's included in the release, but it's definitely coming soon, best regards.
    Icke and Chandler333 like this.
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