gear and stats

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rexatfcc, Feb 17, 2014.

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  1. rexatfcc

    rexatfcc Forum Greenhorn

    what is the best weapon and or offhand combo?
    what stats should i look for on gear for upgrading?
  2. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

  3. rexatfcc

    rexatfcc Forum Greenhorn

    im 36 pve dwarf
  4. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    What combo you talking about?
    What is your play style?
    You need to be more specific to get people to answer you. And by the way, next time you ask someone for a favor, put a 'please' in
  5. rexatfcc

    rexatfcc Forum Greenhorn

    could you please help me, mostly looking for questing stats and gear set up.
    currently solo 80% of the time and using 1H gun and shield combo.
    but would also like to know what weapon set ups and stats are used for other play styles like for party build/event/boss grinding for drops
  6. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    In a party for normal PVE and PWs, i personally prefer to use 1-handed weapon and tool (hammers) to spam -cooldown turret for C14. I usually go with a team with at least a mage in it. Singularity + C14 help to clear map very quick.
    Same deal in event. As a f2p dwarf, you should team up for event.
    For boss, hmm depends. If you have low defensive stats, you should get a 2-handed weapon to stay away from the boss, but at least get about 700-1k crit from others equips.
    If you solo, 1hand weapon + shield will be a good choice, but get a shield at leas >35% block up, otherwise it's wisely useless (in this case, use hammers instead of shield)
  7. rexatfcc

    rexatfcc Forum Greenhorn

    so what stats should i look for on gear. thanks for the help so far
    i have a shield with 3x enchants of 30% block rate(90 total) but may switch to full moon shield with 80%.
  8. Khoainong

    Khoainong Someday Author

    ye use full moon, at least you got some resistance. 30% for 1 block stat is minimal, which is bad
  9. rexatfcc

    rexatfcc Forum Greenhorn

    there are 3 30's on it
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