Gear question

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sirsquishy, May 9, 2015.

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  1. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    you also get 33.3% bonus to your crit hit value and 11.1% bonus to your attack speed with the witch set. if you have good other pieces (such as a leveled up keens or quality legendaries) your armor and hp will be sufficient for pve and your dps will be very high.

    i don't use the witch chaser set with my dk as I am sword and shield but I do use it with my dwarf with sparks (dwarf version of keens) and my dwarf has 1700 crit with witch chaser and sparks, so a 2H DK using witch chaser + keens can get similar crit numbers as well. 1700 crit puts you around 45% crit chance, which means that 45% of the time, you will be doing double damage or more, depending on your crit damage % boosts.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  2. sirsquishy

    sirsquishy Junior Expert

    I have 53% crit now, my main issue is dmg. The struggle seems to be getting a nice boost in dmg without giving up too much armor or hp. All sets (except Warlord) would require me to remove torso or gloves and boots where the vast majority of my armor exists currently.

    The Warlord is only Helmet, Shoulders and Cloak and would balance to what I have now, so that makes sense to me.

    The Witch, Ess or Dark sets would cause me to lose a ton of armor or hp or both without giving me a major boost in dmg until I get a decent weapon, although if I already had a decent weapon the Warlord set still makes the most sense since it gives a 30% dmg increase for the set.

    So my question is would the witch set or any set give me a real boost in dmg with the current crappy weapon I have or are they all just supplements to a nice weapon which is what seems to make sense to me?
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    He hit it on the nose, you'd have better DPS, but at the expense of defense. You also need some nice HP/Resist/Armor gems to make it feasible. In this sort of build, you rely on killing them before they kill you, and your rely on high HP regen from MWS. Knowing your stats, you'd not likely be able to pull it off yet.
  4. sirsquishy

    sirsquishy Junior Expert

    That's kind of what I thought. I love that there are so many options on what can be done with mixing and matching gear in this game. Pvp builds, pve builds, 1h, 2h, so many options and then the different sets and combos that one can have.

    I finally have all my inventory space and locker space open, so I'll be able to save more potential pieces for later use.

    Thank you as always for the advice.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    And with all inventory open, that means that all the ander that you used to have to have to save for expansion can now go exclusively towards gems. When my DK hit that point was when my stats starting seeing regular, incremental improvements week after week after week.
    Good Luck!
    thebearreturns likes this.
  6. sirsquishy

    sirsquishy Junior Expert

    Some days it seems like my progress is really moving at a snails pace, so I decided to look back at roughly when I hit lvl 45 about a month ago.


    Cannot call it exactly a major difference, but it has been steady through upgrading the good gear that I have.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Wait until you reach your maximum ... and going beyond. :D
    sirsquishy likes this.
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