
Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by mczap62, Jan 12, 2024.

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  1. mczap62

    mczap62 Forum Apprentice

    how are gems taken out of gear and can't we take like 3 low gems and make a higher one?

  2. Hokori

    Hokori Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Good evening,

    gems can be unsocketed by interacting with the jeweler in any city.

    You can only upgrade gems with shiny powder or with a gem of empowerment. :)
  3. mczap62

    mczap62 Forum Apprentice

  4. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    I highly recommend that you do not use the gem of empowerment to upgrade your gems ... until you obtain and can use the upgrade material on the highest level gems in the game. Horde those gems of empowerment as long as you can!
    VixenN7 likes this.
  5. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    hmmm most important thing is you have to do all the gem crafting achievements. You can see them under the Achievement tab, then crafting tab. You can not upgrade gems, jewels, runes to max until achievements are complete.
    VixenN7 likes this.
  6. VixenN7

    VixenN7 Forum Greenhorn

    hi i have a question so which gems should i make it a shiny dust like i didnt get it. What should i do with the lowest gems should i turn them into shiny dust or just trying to upgrade them or just save them all. Or there is a bad gems that i should turn them into shiny dust and upgrade the other ones?
  7. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    In general the main gems you'll be keeping are hp, damage, crit, attack speed & some move speed. You can dust the rest and use the dust to start upgrading the others for achievements. I'd probably focus on crit & damage first though.

    It's going to take A LOT of dust once you get into the higher quality gems. Be sure to not miss the next Anniversary event next year because that's the best event, AFAIK, for getting high quality gems to use/dust.

    Like the other guy mentioned if you're lucky & get any gem of enhancements, just store those for now. I know it'll be tempting to use early, but you'll want to save those to make the Exquisite Imperial which is the last gem upgrade.

    Btw, this advice is mainly aimed at PVE. If you like PvP there may be other types of gems you'll want for situational use, but I don't know about that since I hate PvP, lol.

    Good luck!
    VixenN7 and salotr like this.
  8. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    To upgrade a gem you need(to be honest) thousands if not millions of shiny dust.

    Initially, all the gems you find immediately turn them into shiny dust at the workbench. Not one gem at a time, otherwise it becomes an overly repetitive and boring practice.

    Gems can be stacked in a single block of 20.
    In this way and with a single process you convert 20 gems at a time, instead of repeating the same thing 20 times.
    VixenN7 likes this.
  9. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    Hi there :) To add on to the previous players' posts, also remember to be wise and efficient with how you save and organize certain gems. For instance, you will likely want to keep stacks of the most common gems (and tiers of those gems) in your bag for easy pickup/farming, that way the gems you obtain along the way have an allotted slot to go to.

    Also, consider keeping and/or using the highest tiers of certain gems, especially the ones that are most useful to you (such as onyxes, rubies, rholodites, zircons, amethysts, etc.) instead of turning them into dust - you can save yourself some upgrades by doing so. In addition, keeping some of these higher-tier gems will come in handy in the future when you eventually want to make opals as well. ^^
    VixenN7 and salotr like this.
  10. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

    Happy "farming"! :D
    VixenN7 likes this.
  11. VixenN7

    VixenN7 Forum Greenhorn

    thank you all
    salotr likes this.
  12. salotr

    salotr Forum Connoisseur

  13. Talbor

    Talbor Regular

    That's how I do mine as well. It take 3 or 4 full pages in the bag which sucks, but it's a lot better than constantly dusting gems after runs. You can save Flawless on down to flawed of each gem that way since those are the majority of what you'll drop in the wild.
    For higher level gems you're wanting to save you can gather some unique gear to store 7 gems in each piece. I also keep some of the better pieces that I had opened all the slots on, but eventually swapped out for a better piece. That way I could store 10 higher tier gems of each type that I'll eventually use for opals.
    salotr likes this.