Suggestion get rid of the delete option

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LuminousElf, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. LuminousElf

    LuminousElf Forum Apprentice

    i think its a useless feature the scares me the delete avatar option!
    misterbean likes this.
  2. misterbean

    misterbean Padavan

    Or at least make a recycle bin where the deleted toons will go and make it possible for us to recover them from the bin for at least 1-2 months after deletion
  3. LuminousElf

    LuminousElf Forum Apprentice

  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Useless feature?
    I am using it all the time ... playing to certain level then delete the character and start a new one.
    Maybe "confirmation" option could be added ... but then again I think it is right way not to have such option because it is making the life hard to those players who are abusing this feature.
  5. If a player "deletes" their character, it's no big issue. It is very easy for Support to completely restore it along with all the items it had at the time the character was deleted.

    What I would not recommend is having a major tizzy-fit and throwing all your toys out of the cot by trashing the items on the a/c prior to deleting a character. After two weeks, those items are then permanently goneburgers.
    misterbean and Anyki like this.
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