Gingerbread Man's Sweet Weapon?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Coalinhooo, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Coalinhooo

    Coalinhooo Forum Greenhorn

    Hi guys,
    Wanted to ask someone who have this item Gingerbread Man's Sweet Weapon (Ranger, Quiver), if you ID-ed it, to post or write down the stats of it. Thx in advance. :)
    PS. It's from the Winter Solstice Event, got it from a golden present from Big Paw hard.
  2. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    That's a legendary item, pictures/stats will not help you at all, it is completely random what stats you gonna get on it. Only the visual is different, just for fun, nothing special. Also some of those offhand items are bugged, they are offhand with weapon stats and you can add Offensive Gems in them, if your Quiver has Atk.Speed on it, then it is a bugged one, so identify of it will be waste of CoT, as they plan to fix those items.
  3. Coalinhooo

    Coalinhooo Forum Greenhorn

    Thx for the info.
  4. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    Why new threads for same question over and over again :p?

    I identified 2 of them and posted pictures from both of them both of them gave me all 4 offensive stats, 1 gave 2 stats of dmg and 2 crit chance, 2nd gave 3 stats of dmg and 1 of crit chance too bad i didn't get the one with attack speed :(

    And one thing to be clear about it is not quiver at all it is actually a buckler and by stats i found and other friends those were all offensive stats so i guess he gives only offensive stats (which is nice) friend got attack speed on him :p
  5. Geobli

    Geobli Advanced

    It gives only offensive because it is on Longbow's script, people with that kind of "quiver/buckler", even if they are with a Shortbow, they "pose" as Longbow user does. It is a bugged item, I will not suggest to use such thing and get use to it, because will affect you after they fix it. It is in bug list, as a moderator said.
  6. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    Well since i already wasted almost 1.4k cot on it i expect fixed version to be good :D

    If not, i got used to BP bugs ruining my gaming since day 1 :D

    Besides i wouldn't even unlock it if i knew it was a buckler xD
  7. Ash

    Ash Advanced

    :( I didn't realise it was a bug. Thought it was a really cool bonus, to use offensive gems in it.

    It's a quiver, you can see the arrows if you look close.
  8. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    There are arrows going from buckler's aswell you should know that by now :p
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