Feedback Gnob Feedback

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Firefly, Dec 23, 2014.

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  1. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    Been carrying 4 portals for what seems like forever, longing for the day Gnob will have something I need...and can afford. It's been a very long wait.
  2. Multi-Sev

    Multi-Sev Forum Overlooker

    I have 10 portals and no reason to use them. They sit in my locker, gathering dust.
    jthames and DocWhisky like this.
  3. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Hmm... maybe its time for Gnob to evolve. Say you go to his cave and you become disappointed at the offerings. You whip out your Bow/Wand/Sword/Gun and shoot him. He morphs into EVIL GNOB! When you beat him into submission he has no choice but to show you his "secret stash" Pink, Red and yellow ess. Yachaks, Keens, Roshans, (not sure for SM) maybe some Sargons and Dragans bits, and various other goodies we have all been wanting for some time. lol ... I so want to kil him... please :D
  4. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    We should have a new quest in game, "Save Gnob or not", it's poll. In next event players have chance to see Gnob in jail. If you want him to show up in Kingshill soon, choose for "I will save you". If you don't like what he sold last time, choose for "I can't help you". After event finished, we will know Gnob coming or not.
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't know why are you complaining. Gnob was offering new item(s) ... Rosy Red dye :D
  6. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    wow rosy red ... just delete him and get on with it , no one wants his useless items they are the same things all the time or lack of them

    always a pleasure
    soxx ..
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