GOLD Farming

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Lokus, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. Lokus

    Lokus Forum Apprentice

    Do you have any suggestions on how to gather 1000 gold very quickly.
    I currently have 23 gold (I spent gold on knowledge 30lvl and ess)
  2. babu_o_babu

    babu_o_babu Advanced

    go PW q6 m2, you are guaranteed at least 5 extraordinary gears on each run which is equivalent to min 5-6 gold.
  3. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    yes extraodinary gears yes and identy them and sell:) You get 600-800gold 1day:)
  4. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    With premium, of course. If you're non-premium you just farm that same place, Halls of the Dead, but it will just take a lot longer to get 1k.
  5. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    farm gold you need premium if you want farm fast...
  6. bravo1423

    bravo1423 Forum Apprentice

    u dont need premium account to save 1000 gold. u only need a lot of inventory space and pick every green blue pink gold items.
  7. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    600 gold with week. premium
  8. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    but you can farm 1day 600+ with premium....without not
  9. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    you sir dont have a life!!!
  10. Torefas

    Torefas Padavan

    This is true. For strong character who can solo farming M2 it took around 5 hours, farming the boss only. I get 500 gold in a day after getting my last Deadly Shard.
  11. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Premium is the best way to farm gold, remember, stuff that are identified sell for more than stuff that are not.
  12. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    If you dont have premium and have low inv space also, try collecting mostly Amulets and Rings since they have highest selling value, while farming.
  13. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Yeah. If you do what Talicni is saying, it's not quick farming but it's all you can do. Will take forever to get the cape :( See you in half a year.
  14. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    infamous shhhh you bore people with your comments, try to think before you type.. why have a crap cape with 134 armour just upgrade more items if you dont have enough coins.
  15. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Going to be hilarious once DSO introduces unique capes. They have to. Sargon Cape, maybe a Dark Cape, other unique types. Then all the gold we have farmed for the "one" cape will have been wasted because a unique cape will have better properties.
    Hurry up BP, we need more unique stuff :D
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  16. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I do think before I type. Just in case you didn't know: the game is for entertainment, the forums are for information. Information isn't supposed to be fun. And... maybe you should think before you post? You make no sense... who was even talking about upgrading stuff?

    Why have a crap cape with 134 armor? Aesthetic purposes. Also, some people are perfectionists... wont stop until potential is achieved.

    "Just upgrade more items if you dont have enough coins."
    How does your smart-ass suggest one farm so many Glyphs if they can barely farm gold? Is it not the same process? The only difference is items don't return more GoP if identified.

    P.S: Your comment was also very boring. Perhaps you should not be an illiterate hypocrite and give your opinion some cogency.
  17. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    Try not to be so hostile ;)

    Keep it nice :)
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
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