golden helios amulet

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by yellowfrog., Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. yellowfrog.

    yellowfrog. Board Analyst one of the oldest players in this game and i would like an answer in my question.
    long time ago at first helios games after 2 weeks continous arena i managed to get the golden helios amulet.(15 damage 10% speed,level 1 item)

    my question is:why this item does not upgrade??
    its level 1.
    can you transfer the question to bigpoint for this and other items that is not upgradeable?
  2. FrozenGamer

    FrozenGamer Forum Greenhorn

    Well my friend #yellowfrog by saying oldest u mean ur personal years or having played DSO alot more tha others.?
  3. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant

    Its hard to say "im one of the oldest players", even if you signed in a half year after the game started;)
    But about the amulet, At the beginning of the upgradesystem on TS, it was possible to upgrade it. From lv 1 to a higher lv it got so crazy they shutted down for the upgrading to it. Just think about what 15dmg could turn into if upgraded from lv 1 to 45? Just compare with items in lv 6 with 4*1 dmg that turns into 4*24 dmg at lv 45;)
  4. yellowfrog.

    yellowfrog. Board Analyst

    15 damage for that time was with basic damages at 1200 for many rangers 15 damage is very low.
    at level 45 it could be upgraded to 60 damage.i dont think im asking something crazy.all items are upgradeable.why this shouldnt be.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There are a couple of items that can not be upgraded... For example, the LVL 1 Gold Horned Helm can not be upgraded either. Some items are just limited that way to prevent abuse of the system with an item that was never intended to be upgradeable.
  6. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    melt it down....
  7. SailorSaturn

    SailorSaturn Padavan

    Agreed. When you mention about lv 1 item that cannot be upgraded, the first comparable item which comes to my mind is the Gold Horned Helm from the quest reward. Sounds like if you still have that Golden Helios amulet but came across a better one (perhaps another unique with better attributes), you're better off melting it.

    Funny enough, my characters still wear that cruddy helm, but I definitely intend to melt it the instant I find another unique head armor drop (with better stats) as a replacement.
  8. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Around lvl 40 you can get purple and orange helmets with better stats. They dont have to be unique. Or you buy the 'dark helmet' from gnob when he comes around.
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