gone for a while

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by turbotonic27, Apr 8, 2015.

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  1. turbotonic27

    turbotonic27 Forum Apprentice

    hello players.
    im a 42lvl ranger with mid gear.
    i havent played this game for more than a year.
    where should i start from to catch up ? I mean theres so much better gear that i should have right now instead of what i have . any tips
  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Welcome back Turbo, I'd suggest diving in head first. Work through the new quests that were added to the Atlantis area. A fairly significant group of new areas and quests. You may be able to pick up some OK gear from there to progress through the new Andrakasch quests. It's likely you are somewhere in that chain now if you left at level 42. There's no real shortcuts to take, just enjoy the changes from a rested set of eyes:D
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Also, we have an event on! This is a great chance to get some gear (They have 2 LVL 45 uniques at the end if you farm like a madman, and there is the Black Warlord set which is excellent), earn some Draken, and do something different before having to go back to the normal grind.
  4. turbotonic27

    turbotonic27 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks bigPapa, ill check Atlantis and yes im currently doing my leftover quests from andrakasch .
    baragain if events still require 3 days of farming like they used to, then no way im doing event, I never did.
    oh , also i have 4084 HP , what hp does a 42lvl ranger has nowdays ?
  5. Trailboss1

    Trailboss1 Forum Mogul


    We have a winner!!

    Yes, steady, constant grinding on the events....still. Now, BP is robbing and lying. They say one thing and do a complete 180. They'll tantalize you with something in one hand while picking your pocket with the other.

    To be honest, speaking of the quests in event, I've spent approx 1k pearls on the quests and only completed the 2nd of the 3 quests in sulfur map. The only thing worth even mentioning the I got from the chests is the keys. So uhm....go eventing if you dare ;)

    And....Welcome Back :cool:
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