Good Legend Shields

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by daywaker2, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    My sarcasm detector, AKA "spidey sense" just pegged:D Just sayin'...
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  2. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    So any idea where to farm for a legendary sheild? :(
  3. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan


    are these shields any good? if so, which is better?
  4. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Block rate is everything. I can not express how God mode that 179,1% block rate is. I would kill for that :)

    Kill with that...


    Farming for shield are 2 places easiest place is map 2 next is any PW powerful boss.
  5. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    And that was a pre-release139 shield, I am scared now to see what postR139 shields could be.
  6. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Honestly I really doubt you'll ever find a better block rate. Just get the Atlantis set for 60% more blockrate and keep your shield.
  7. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    I Have the 40% Block talent in the Talent tree.
    Atlantis set is a bit...underpowered.
  8. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I think best would be 3x block rate and 1x block reduce. I think that would result in 195% increased blocks and 65% reduce with the new expansion numbers. I don't know what that turns into for block percentages

    Best 4x block rate shield would be 4x 65%, so i think 260% increased block. I think at that high a rate, the diminishing returns will kick in and i think 260% will only be marginally better than your 179%
  9. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    Well, the new enchantment values have been raised. On the flipside, they have a wild range of fluctuations now. For example, earlier DKs used to be rest assured that a Torso Equipment will have armour/HP. So, we could count on a decent amount of either or both, but now armours seem to rarely contain a dmg-crit enchantment as well. So, its even a more of a wild hunt to find a awesome shield or any piece of equip now.
    Like, I got a pink gloves that have 7,0 atk speed enchant. But its unuseable due to the low armour-hp due to that enchantment.
  10. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Yeah, lots of variability.

    One thing I'm keeping my eye out for is a torso with 4x armor lines and a decent number of slots. If such a thing drops i am gambling everything at the jesters to stuff that thing with with armor percentage gems (i have none right now).

    As an aside, the best thing i have found post r139 so far is a helmet with a +241 armor (344 armor with the base armor) and +804 hp lines
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  11. markomiljanov

    markomiljanov Someday Author

    Yes, any item.
  12. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    Thx, I'll try some boss then. :)
  13. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    Not to keen on those special gems. I have reason to believe that they might be nerfed or restricted in use in later releases.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Not totally true. What you need to do to get a true understanding of how useful a shield is is equip it and look at both the reduction and the rate. Multiply the percentages for the chance and rate together and it gives you a measure of effectiveness. In my post in the "show what you have" thread, I talk about this some. I have a 80%/80% shield and with the warlord set and blocker talents, my "effectiveness" comes out to about 68.32%x76.73%=52.42% damage reduction over time on average. That "God mode" shield only has 516 block amount which is only about 51.82% damage reduction. Do the math and that is only about a 41% effectiveness AT BEST (Assuming that the "God Mode" shield has maxed out to 80% Rate). Too many people get fixated on Block RATE and forget that, like so many other things in this game, it is about achieving the right balance. I am still of the opinion that a 2X Rate and 2X Amount are best due to Block rate chance going up slower than the reduction stat but being compensated for with the blocker talent. I would be thrilled to find a 100%/100% or, god forbid, a 120%/120% shield. That would truly be a "God mode" shield and the effectiveness would likely be about 58%-60%.
  15. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

  16. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador


    The Germans to English translation is not all that good. To understand why a higher block rate is desired over more "mitigation" is only derived at once you understand how the game works. Once you have successfully blocked an attack then your "roll" on how much is "mitigated" from the hit. If you are unsuccessful at blocking the attack then there is no "mitigation." I hope that clears thing up for you. :)
  17. Durrendal

    Durrendal Padavan

    @_Baragain_ and @MegaNuker .
    Correct me if I am wrong, which I probably am.
    From what I understand Block Amount is like another term for Armour Value. While Armour value is the first factor that mitigates the damage dealt by enemy, Block Amount is calculated and subtracted from the net damage taken from an enemy after the 'armour+resistance' mitigation.
    and Block Rate is the chance of Block Amount being activated after being hit. Is that right?
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  18. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    That's about right in my experience. At each successful hit you take, you roll for block chance. If it succeeds, you block the specified amount, you don't roll for block amount. Also, block amount ignores damage source, it blocks the same amount of physical and magical damage while armor applies only to physical attacks. So with a super-duper shield you can block lightnings and fireballs decently despite having no resistance.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  19. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I have gotten full damage on a blocked attack only difference between attacks where the armor value for shield. Easy way to test go to a low level area and switch it off and on.
  20. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    Low-level mobs do funny damage to high-level characters. It should be 1 damage on all attacks (due to level difference penalty and thousands of armor vs lvl 5 monster) but you never get hit for 1.
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