Gorga free exp and drops

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Iamboredwtf, Jan 28, 2014.

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  1. Iamboredwtf

    Iamboredwtf Active Author

    Like title says:

    Come join me I will do all the killing you share exp and drops. Come world agathon. Going to do like 150 kills tonight. Any lvl wanted.
    VegasDave likes this.
  2. VegasDave

    VegasDave Forum Greenhorn

    I WILL Look for You ... I play in Heredur ... lvl 43
  3. soxx101

    soxx101 Forum Connoisseur

    he said agathon.....

    always a pleasure

  4. Iamboredwtf

    Iamboredwtf Active Author

    It is like my daily rutine, come find me
  5. jagta

    jagta Forum Greenhorn

  6. FruitsPunchSamurai94

    FruitsPunchSamurai94 Forum Greenhorn

    im lvl 13 SW, just started... are you still doing this?

    player name - Zurachii

    server - Heredur
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2014
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