Suggestion Great idea to make DSO into an e-sport

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wizzo90, Aug 31, 2015.

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What do you think about a fair PVP mode for e-games?

  1. I like it!

    4 vote(s)
  2. Dont care

    4 vote(s)
  3. I hate it!

    3 vote(s)
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  1. wizzo90

    wizzo90 Junior Expert

    Well, PVP in DSO really is nice. It is fast, you can use tactics and builds can be differnt now.

    Yet the DSO PVP will never become an e-sport. It cannot be seen as a sport since it is pay to win. But there is a simple way to have both, a popular sport and a pay to win system.

    Simply establish a seperate mode where you can challenge players to matches with fixed characters. Those chars have all the same level (50?) and the same equipment.

    It is a great oportunity to look into other classes, be competetive on a fair level and give DSO the opportunity to become a popular e-sport. I am sure many players would have a better and more positive start into PVP this way and a motivation to customize their own chars better.

    Even the money aspect is covered, since this feature is cheap and could give DSO the edge to become great in America and Asia, where e-sports are a big thing already.

    As a side affect you would get rid of the ever present discussions about which class is op and so on. Even for this reason the mode would be worth to establish.

    I would love to watch the DSO-World Championships next year on Youtube and Twitch!
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There is another problem... this game is coded by BugPoint... I don't know if they could ever get this game to a point where there are few enough bugs to present it to the gamer community as anything more than a F2P/P2W grind game.
    Darwarren likes this.
  3. taketh

    taketh Regular

    I did not like this idea at first, it would be unfair to players who upgraded their gears to win in pvp while a f2p player could get Marshall using these characters. This idea could be good though for guild battles.

    There could be a new pvp match exclusive to guild vs guild, for example "Domination", where a point in the map must be controlled, the team that controls the spot for 60 seconds wins. The top 10 guilds in the server could win a bonus. This would make guild battles all inclusive, a guild full of noobs can win against a guild of elite players, since gear is not necessary. And it would also mean that elite guilds have someone to play against.

    Oh, and of course, the fair pvp mode will help the developers in balancing pvp. They probably have these characters already (A steam mech, dk, spellweaver and ranger with identical gear).
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Or they could make yet another match type based on the tried and true lane based fight/defend that is already known as a successful e-sport... basically a clone of D**A or L*L (self censored so the mods don't think I'm advertising two games that are infinitely more successful and better known than DSO :p)
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