Suggestion Greater challenge for easily completed events.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Cantab, May 17, 2018.

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  1. Cantab

    Cantab Forum Apprentice

    At the moment, some events can be completed by some players in a reasonably short time,
    eg: Full Moon can be completed in a few hours with a 3 day event time.

    I have an idea about making some events a little more of a challenge or interesting for those players that are completing events quickly. I don't think it will work for all events, some are already packed with quests (Dragan), that they are enough of a challenge already.

    Before commencing an event, the player needs to select a difficulty level for their progress bar.
    It could be the standard 5600 as in Full Moon, a 2nd tier difficulty of 10k, 3rd tier 15k, 20k, whatever amount is appropriate.
    Once selected/confirmed, there's no going back, the same as how the daily challenge, daily deal operate.

    With the greater amounts of progress needed for the harder tiers, the rewards could be increased, double reward for a double amount of progress is probably too much, more like 40-50% more than standard and 70-80% for a 3rd tier level.

    Apologies if such an idea has been floated already.
  2. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    I like it, it's a good idea.
  3. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    hmmmm sounds ok.. But I can See BP twisting this all around making harder for all events. Taking for ever to complete Like New moon takes for ever for such little reward. Plus you will have problems with players picking different lvls. If all your friends and or Guildies pick different levels and no going back can't play with your friends. or if you help guildies and they can't do higher lvls then you won't be able to help play with them inless your willing to sacrifice yourself playing higher lvls.
  4. Cantab

    Cantab Forum Apprentice

    I don't think it would affect the current difficulty of an event to complete.
    The only part that players would have to lock in , is the challenge length, not the mode of difficultly. Painful/Infernal etc. would still be selectable for each run as it is now.
    They could leave the standard amount to complete as it is for those that couldn't handle a longer challenge. As for players picking different levels to complete, everyone can still play together, those that picked easier will complete sooner obviously, those that picked a longer challenge will most likely be able to complete that either solo or find more to group with.
    If a player chooses a harder challenge than they could normally do expecting guild or friends to carry them the rest of the way, then they should think more carefully before choosing that level. Maybe guild or friends are happy to help those that would struggle, but keep in mind that a longer challenge may take days to complete meaning guild or friends aren't always on hand to help.
    That in itself is part of the challenge, deciding what you're capable of. Anyone going for the hardest mode knowing they struggle on the easiest would be setting themselves up to fail.
  5. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    don't misunderstand me, it is a good idea. Ok take difficulty out of it. Make it a sliding progress, BP will twist your idea and turn a simple fun event you can do in an evening into a 24/7 grind. Take your example Full moon you get 400 draken two rune stones. They will twist your idea so that say lvl 1 you get 100 draken, lvl 2 200 draken one rune stone, lvl 3 300 draken 1 rune stone etc...... so that you have to play twice as long to get what you get now.. and maybe a lil something more for the top lvl.... plus you would have to farm more essence pebbles etc... more prep work... they will not just start the sliding progress bar rewards what they are now.

    --- MERGED ---

    It is a good idea pitch it to one of the Admins to present it to the Developers. I would try Teddy Bear they seem the most sensible. Just don't think what you invision is what you will get.
    Last edited by moderator: May 23, 2018
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