GreekArtists - Server Grimmag (Greek Guild)

Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by LucK4m3, Aug 12, 2019.

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  1. LucK4m3

    LucK4m3 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello to the community and mainly to community of Grimmag !!!

    I know many of you think the game is dead, but I also know many still play this dead game .
    That's why we made the decision to try to motivate old and new Greek players by renewing one of the oldest and most historic Greek guilds of server .

    Our guild is GreekArtists , old players will certainly remember it, others probably not because the wrong developers' choices have damaged the game, so many players have stopped playing. However in our guild there are people with the will and vision to create a strong company again .

    For all of the above we are looking for players with similar beliefs and more specifically people who fulfill the following requirements :

    1. The minimum limit of DMG 50k , at this point where it is the game and with the changes I think it is a good point to enter the limit .
    2. We are looking for active players who love teamwork and would prefer to farm with their guild .
    3. For us, the character of people is also very important. We want each of our members to respect his teammates and opponents .
    4. We prefer Greek players because the basis of our guild is Greek and we know that proper communication is very important. Of course this does not mean that we are negative about accepting someone who is not Greek or does not speak Greek well or at all .

    Anyone who believes they can match our family can contact me either in-game ( Luck4m3 ) or in discord (Luck4m3#2240) .
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello LucK4m3 and welcome to DSO EN Forums. Good luck with creating your new Guild!

    kind regards;