Suggestion Green Essence - selling back to merchant

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TwiliShadow, Sep 6, 2016.

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  1. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    I usually don't use the travel stones much. The result is that as I gallop through the maps, some times I'm forced to stop and slaughter the minions. I pick up the goods I get quickly, hopefully get to remount and then continue on, but sometimes there's enough of them that I end up fighting to the end of the map.

    What irks me, is that later I find that I've got all these extra "lower" green essences that I'm not going to use, but I picked up cause I "saw" essences. And thus to the suggestion:

    Can you make it so that we can sell back the green essences to the essence merchant? Say, at 1 copper per essence for the Ordinary and above and 1 copper per 10 essences for the minor?

    This would be much appreciated by most of the players, me thinks.

    I don't ask about the others because, lets face it, who in thier right mind would sell a blue/purple/orange essence? I can't seem to collect enough of those.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I wouldn't mind bing able to craft (or have some sort of alchemy system) to convert my blues to purples or reds... The other day, I finally dropped below 200k blues for the first time in months.
    ViktorG75 and TwiliShadow like this.
  3. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Well, I just hit level 50. And in the Cradles and Nahuatlan, with the Bone Dust I've been using mostly Blues. Because of this I have some 16500 Potent Essences. It sure would be nice to 2 for 1 convert them from Potent to Overwhelming. Real nice, indeed...
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
  4. ViktorG75

    ViktorG75 Active Author

    And 99999 per slot. Not only for essences, of course.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Here is a novel idea: All green essences drop type based on players level. And not based on map played.

    Thus, once you are able to use each level of green essence, that is what drops for you in every map.

    Edit @ 5/1/2017 @ 9:48pm ====================================================
    Point taken. Ok, add 10% decrease in quantity dropped per level lower as map level gets lower. Thus if you are of level to get level 50 essences, then map at level 39 wouldn't drop any green essences.
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
  6. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Well, then I'd run level 16 maps to easily get level 55 essence.
    EhtovK likes this.
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