Discussion in 'Guild Introductions' started by Domen, Dec 25, 2023.

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  1. Domen

    Domen Forum Greenhorn

    **Hi!** Welcome to the new guild on the Grimmag server! It is true that we are a new guild, but we are old players with a lot of experience and final sets.
    My friend and I jumped over the best guilds on the server but we decided to start something of our own to help new players as well.
    For this reason, you do not have to have very good statistics and sets in PVE and PVP, we will help you with both.
    **Guild Name: **JednostkaGROM
    **Guild Master:** D0menico
    **Guild officer:** Quecalcoatl
    **What we offer?**
    - Help with general character development - you don't have to have the maximum level of experience.
    - Expeditions to every possible event at maximum difficulty levels - including help in completing the Dragan set and the new set from the Big Game Hunt event (rings/cloak).
    - Expeditions to every map in the interworlds.
    - Blood chests, min. 4 or 5.
    - PVP Arena.
    - LEVEL 90.
    - Maturity.
    - Culture.
    - Game activity - whenever possible
    **Language:** Mainly Polish, also English.
    **In-game contact:** D0menico
    **Discord contact:** D0menico
  2. ZabijMnieGlino

    ZabijMnieGlino Padavan

    I have been playing since 2012, we provide care and quick information about the game. I invite everyone:).

    My nick QUECALCOATL (ranger).