group request, reciver

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by dawmjr, Feb 10, 2018.

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  1. dawmjr

    dawmjr Junior Expert

    i go here for request, if someone gets a request, there is a way to talk this person, ask what need, and such. now is accept or deny, of cores in past people used to ask first. but i ask a way t see who, and talk before accept or deny, been her 6 +years, im saying this, i accepted couple times and got cursed when found what they wanted. and told them sorry no, i get why you accept, back to if some one sends request we need way to talk to them beore click ye n
    Zoltan likes this.
  2. Zoltan

    Zoltan Junior Expert

    Great idea. Agree that preference is to send pm first before sending request to join team but does not normally happen
  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Should be simple to implement. Just add two three buttons - 'are you dwarf with tons of dmg'?) Jokes aside, would be nice to have more chat integrated options, including this one.
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