Announcement Guess the NPC! - EN Community Event

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Apr 21, 2017.

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  1. MaghaMei

    MaghaMei Forum Greenhorn

    NPC Name : Hamza
    Title/Position : Blacksmith
    Map location : Hiraja
    Character name : Maerha
    Server : Heredur
  2. herosan70

    herosan70 Forum Apprentice

    NPC Name: Hamza
    Title/Position: Blacksmith
    Map location: Hiraja

    Character name: Heroo22
    Server: Heredur
  3. Pumpkin7

    Pumpkin7 Junior Expert

    Name: Hamza
    Title: Blacksmith
    Location: Hiraja
    Name: Pumpkin
    Server: Heredur
  4. juleeee335

    juleeee335 Forum Greenhorn

    NPC Name: Hamza
    Title/Position: Blacksmith
    Map location: Hiraja
    Character name: Julee335
    Server: Heredur
  5. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    NPC Name: Hamza
    Title/Position: Blacksmith
    Map location: Hiraja
    Character name: Morinphen
    Server: Heredur
  6. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    NPC Name: Hamza
    Title/Position: Blacksmith
    Map location: Hiraja
    Character name: Ziosalvo
    Server: Heredur
  7. Dylannn

    Dylannn Board Analyst

    NPC Name: Hamza
    Title/Position: Blacksmith
    Map Location: Hiraja
    Character Name: Aρollo
    Server: Heredur
  8. wolfeblight

    wolfeblight Forum Greenhorn

    NPC Name: Hamza
    Title/Position: Blacksmith
    Map location: Hiraja
    Charactername: Wolfeblight
    Sever: Heredur
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